Function Reference

The following section contains a detailed description of all modules present in ORBKIT.


Module for processing the data read from the output files of quantum chemical software.

class orbkit.qcinfo.CIinfo(method='ci')[source]

Class managing all information from the from the output files of quantum chemical software for CI calculations.

The CI related features are in ongoing development.

class orbkit.qcinfo.QCinfo(data=None)[source]

Class managing all information from the from the output files of quantum chemical software.

See Central Variables in the manual for details.

atoms(bbox=None, **kwargs)

Create an ASE atoms object. (cf. )


bbox : list of floats (bbox=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]), optional
If not None, sets the unit cell to the grid boundaries and moves the molecule in its center.


atoms : Atoms object
See for details


ASE has to be in the PYTHONPATH


Converts geo_info and geo_spec to a universal format. Parameters:

is_angstrom : bool, optional
If True, input is assumed to be in Angstrom and positions are converted to Bohr radii.
get_ase_atoms(bbox=None, **kwargs)[source]

Create an ASE atoms object. (cf. )


bbox : list of floats (bbox=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]), optional
If not None, sets the unit cell to the grid boundaries and moves the molecule in its center.


atoms : Atoms object
See for details


ASE has to be in the PYTHONPATH

get_bc(matrix=None, is_vector=False)[source]

Calculates Barycenter for scalar field

get_charge(nuclear=True, electron=True)[source]

Computes total charge of the system.


Computes the center of charge.


Computes the center of mass.


Calculates nuclear repulsion energy.

select_spin(restricted, spin=None)[source]

For an unrestricted calculation, the name of the MO (‘sym’ keyword in qc.mo_spec) is modified, e.g., 3.1_b for MO 3.1 with beta spin and 3.1_a for MO 3.1 with alpha spin. For restricted calculation, the ‘spin’ keyword from qc.mo_spec is removed.


restricted : bool
If True, removes the ‘spin’ keyword from qc.mo_spec.
spin : {None, ‘alpha’, or ‘beta’}, optional
If not None, returns exclusively ‘alpha’ or ‘beta’ molecular orbitals.

Returns the dictionary that is used to save QCinfo instance

view(select=slice(None, None, None), bbox=None, **kwargs)[source]

Opens ase-gui with the atoms of the QCinfo class. (cf. )


select : slice or (array of int), default: all atoms
Specifies the atoms to be shown.
bbox : list of floats (bbox=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]), optional
If not None, sets the unit cell to the grid boundaries and moves the molecule in its center.


ASE has to be in the PYTHONPATH


class orbkit.orbitals.AOClass(seq=[], restart=None)[source]

AO base class which contains all information on atomic orbitals. Two types of dataformats are available:

  1. Numpy-style data:

    cont2atoms : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc, shape = (NAO)

    Transformation matrix between contracted GTO’s and atoms.

    _assign_prim_to_cont : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc, shape = (NPAO)

    Transformation matrix between contracted GTO’s and primitive GTO’s.

    pg_expcont : numpy.ndarray, dtype=float64, shape = (NPAO, 2)
    Information on primitive GTO’s:

    1st element exponent and 2nd element contraction

    contspher : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc, shape = (NAO, 2)

    Same information as ao_spherical as numpy.ndarray

    lxlylz : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc, shape = (NAO, 3)

    Contains the expontents lx, ly, lz for the Cartesian Gaussians.

  2. Lists of dictionaries / list of tuples:

Member of dict Content ——————– ————————————- ‘atom’ Index of atom ‘pnum’ Number of primitives ‘type’ Type of AO ‘coeffs’ AO coefficients ‘lxlylz’ Exponents of Cartesian Gaussians ‘lm’ (if spherical) Quantum number of Spherical Gaussians

See Central Variables in the manual for details.


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence


S.extend(iterable) – extend sequence by appending elements from the iterable


Compatability funtction to allow access to old-style ao_spherical.


Transforms Numpy-style data to lists of dictionary style data for compatability.


Check if orbitals in AOClass are normalized.


S.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.

set_lm_dict(p=[1, 0])[source]

Sets the l,m quantum numbers for the contracted spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set.


Transfers UserList data dictionary to internal variables


Extracts the exponents lx, ly, lz for the Cartesian Gaussians.


get_assign : bool, optional
Specifies, if the index of the atomic orbital shall be returned as well.


_lxlylz : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc, shape = (NAO,3)
Contains the expontents lx, ly, lz for the Cartesian Gaussians.
_assign_lxlylz_to_cont : list of int, optional
Contains the index of the atomic orbital in ao_spec.
class orbkit.orbitals.MOClass(seq=[], restart=None)[source]

MO base class which contains all information on atomic orbitals. Two types of dataformats are available:

  1. Numpy-style data:

    coeffs : numpy.ndarray, dtype=float64, shape = (NMO, NAO)

    Molecular orbital coefficients.

    occ : numpy.ndarray, dtype=float64, shape = (NMO)

    Occupation numbers for molecular orbitals.

    eig : numpy.ndarray, dtype=float64, shape = (NMO)

    Eigenvalues for molecular orbitals.

    sym : numpy.ndarray, dtype=str, shape = (NMO)

    MOLPRO-like symmetry label of molecular orbitals.

  2. Lists of dictionaries:


See Central Variables in the manual for details.


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence


Combines unrestricted orbitals with same MO coefficients to restricted orbitals. (For example Psi4 creates a molden file with unrestricted orbitals after a ROHF calculation.)


S.extend(iterable) – extend sequence by appending elements from the iterable


Get function for numpy array version of molecular orbital coefficients.


coeffs: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO, NAO)

Get function for numpy array version of molecular orbital energies.


eig: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO)
get_homo(tol=1e-05, sort=True)[source]

Returns index of highest occupied MO.


Returns index of highest bound MO.

get_lumo(tol=1e-05, sort=True)[source]

Returns index of lowest unoccupied MO.

get_occ(return_alpha_beta=False, return_int=False, tol_int=1e-05, sum_occ=False)[source]

Get function for numpy array version of molecular orbital occupancies.


return_alpha_beta: bool, optional, determines whether occupancies should be returned as a shape = (NMO) array (False) or a shape = (2,NMO/2) array (True) return_int: bool, optional, determines whether occupancies should be returned as a numpy.intc array. Raises an error if there are partially occupied orbitals. tol_int: float, optional, defines the tolerance for when an occupation number is considered an integer sum_occ: bool, optional, determines whether occupancies should be summed over


return_alpha_beta=True is only supported for spin-polarized calculations.


occ: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO)
Function used to select MO’s by spin. A numpy.ndarray is returned
which contains the indexes of MO’s of the selected spin.


spin : ‘str’, can be either ‘alpha’ or ‘beta’


alpha : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.intc


Determines whether the MOClass has alpha and beta spins and removes the _a/_b spin labels. For spin-paired calculations all spins are set to ‘alpha’.


Get function for numpy array version of molecular orbital symmetries.


sym: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.str, shape = (NMO)

S.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.

select(fid_mo_list, flatten_input=True, sort_indices=True)[source]
Selects molecular orbitals from an external file or a list of molecular
orbital labels.


mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
fid_mo_list : str, ‘all_mo’, or list
If fid_mo_list is a str, specifies the filename of the molecular orbitals list.
If fid_mo_list is ‘all_mo’, creates a list containing all molecular orbitals.
If fid_mo_list is a list, provides a list (or a list of lists) of molecular orbital labels.
flatten_input : boolean, optional
Specifies wheter lists of lists should be flattened so a single MOClass instance can be returned rather than a list of MOClass instances.
sort_indices : boolean, optional
Specifies wheter list of indexes should be sorted before it is returned. This is only supported if flatten_input is set to True.

Supported Formats:

Integer List (Counting from Zero!):

1       2       3
5       4
homo    lumo+2:lumo+4

List with Symmetry Labels:

1.1     2.1     1.3
1.1     4.1
4.1     2.3     2.1

alpha and beta can be used together with symmetry labels to restrict the selection to orbitals of that symmetry. This option is not supported for integer lists. Note also that alpha and beta only restrict selection within one string of inputs. If you which to spin-restrict orbitlas given as a list of strings please use all_alpha or all_beta. You may also select all MO’s of a given symmetry by specifying only the symmetry label with a preceeding asterisc, e.g. *.A1 to get all orbitals of A1 symmetry.


List of MOClass instances containing the selected orbitals as well as further information on the selection criteria used If a sinlge list is used as in input and/or flatten_input=True, an MOClass instance is returned instead.

Set function for numpy array version of molecular orbital coefficients.


coeff: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO, NAO)

Set function for numpy array version of molecular orbital energies.


eig: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO)

Set function for numpy array version of molecular orbital occupancies.


occ: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.float64, shape = (NMO)

Set function for numpy array version of molecular orbital symmetries.


sym: numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.str, shape = (NMO)

Sorts mo_spec by symmetry.


Module containing and processing all orbkit options.

Functions for developers


Returns all possible options and their value.

orbkit.options.check_options(error=<function raise_error>, display=<function print_message>, interactive=False, info=True, check_io=True)[source]

Checks options for errors.


error : function, optional
Handles the errors.
display : function, optional
Handles the print commands.
interactive : bool, optional
If True and a file does not exist, asks the user to insert name of existing file.
info : bool, optional
If True, some additional information is printed.
Default Error and Exception Handling:
 Prints the errors and continues.
orbkit.options.check_if_exists(fid, what='', error=<class 'OSError'>, display=<built-in method write of _io.TextIOWrapper object>, interactive=False)[source]

Checks the existence of a file.


fid : string
Specifies filename of the requested file.
what : string, optional
Describes the file.
error : function, optional
Handles the errors.
display : function, optional
Handles the print commands.
interactive : bool, optional
If True and a file does not exist, asks the user to insert name of existing file.


fid : string
Specifies filename of the requested file.


orbkit.options.itypes = ['auto', 'molden', 'aomix', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk', 'wfn', 'wfx', 'cclib', 'native', 'orbkit.dump']

Specifies possible input types.

orbkit.options.otypes = ['h5', 'hdf5', 'npz', 'cube', 'cb', 'am', 'hx', 'vmd', 'mayavi', 'native', 'auto']

Specifies possible output types.

orbkit.options.drv_options = ['None', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'xx', 'yy', 'zz', 'x2', 'y2', 'z2', 'xy', 'yx', 'xz', 'zx', 'yz', 'zy']

Specifies possible derivative variables.


Module for controlling all computational tasks.


Resets all orbkit.options and orbkit.display.

orbkit.main.run_orbkit(use_qc=None, check_options=True, standalone=False)[source]

Controls the execution of all computational tasks.


use_qc : QCinfo, optional
If not None, the reading of a quantum chemistry output is omitted and the given QCinfo class is used for all computational tasks. (See Central Variables in the manual for details on QCinfo.)
check_options : bool, optional
If True, the specified options will be validated.


data : type and shape depend on the options.
Contains orbkit’s output. See ORBKIT’s High-Level Interface in the manual for details.

Starts orbkit as a standalone program using parser options (orbkit.core.init_parser).

Build new ORBKIT io interface


Module for creating and manipulating the grid on which all computations are performed.

orbkit.grid.N_ = [101, 101, 101]

Specifies the number of grid points (regular grid).

orbkit.grid.adjust_to_geo(qc, extend=5.0, step=0.1)[source]

Adjusts the grid boundaries to the molecular geometry.


qc : QCinfo class
See Central Variables for details.
extend : float
Specifies the value by which the grid boundaries are extended in each direction.
step : float
Specifies the grid spacing.
orbkit.grid.center_grid(ac, display=<built-in method write of _io.TextIOWrapper object>)[source]

Centers the grid to the point ac and to the origin (0,0,0).

orbkit.grid.cyl2cart_vector(r, phi, zed)[source]

Converts a cylindrical regular grid matrix (r, phi, zed) to a Cartesian grid matrix (vector grid) with the shape (3, (Nr*Nphi*Nzed)).


r : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nr,)
Specifies radial distance.
phi : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nphi,)
Specifies azimuth angle.
zed : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nz,)
Specifies z distance.
orbkit.grid.d3r = 0.0

A volume element

orbkit.grid.delta_ = array([[0.], [0.], [0.]])

Contains the grid spacing.


Returns a string describing the current x-, y-, z-grid.


Returns the shape of the grid.


Converts the regular grid characterized by x-, y-, z-vectors to a (3, (Nx*Ny*Nz)) grid matrix (vector grid). Reverse operation: orbkit.grid.vector2grid

orbkit.grid.grid_init(is_vector=False, force=False)[source]

Sets up the regular x-, y-, z-grid specified by the global lists:

min_:List of minimum grid values
max_:List of maximum grid values
N_:List of number of grid points


is_vector : bool, optional
If True, converts the regular grid to a vector grid.

Executes given symmetry operation on vector grid

orbkit.grid.grid_translate(dx, dy, dz)[source]

Translates the grid by (dx,dy,dz).

orbkit.grid.init(is_vector=False, force=False)

Sets up the regular x-, y-, z-grid specified by the global lists:

min_:List of minimum grid values
max_:List of maximum grid values
N_:List of number of grid points


is_vector : bool, optional
If True, converts the regular grid to a vector grid.
orbkit.grid.init_grid(is_vector=False, force=False)

Sets up the regular x-, y-, z-grid specified by the global lists:

min_:List of minimum grid values
max_:List of maximum grid values
N_:List of number of grid points


is_vector : bool, optional
If True, converts the regular grid to a vector grid.

Transfer matrix representation for inversion

orbkit.grid.is_initialized = False

If True, the grid is assumed to be initialized.

orbkit.grid.is_regular = False

If True, the grid is assumed to be regular, i.e., a conversion of a vector grid to a regular grid is possible, if N_ is set.

orbkit.grid.is_vector = True

If True, the grid is assumed to be vector grid.


Converts the (Nx,Ny,Nz) data matrix back to the regular grid (Nx,Nz,Ny)

orbkit.grid.matrix_vector2grid(matrix, Nx=None, Ny=None, Nz=None)[source]

Converts the (Nx*Ny*Nz) data matrix back to the (Nx,Nz,Ny)

orbkit.grid.max_ = [8.0, 8.0, 8.0]

Specifies maximum grid values (regular grid).

orbkit.grid.min_ = [-8.0, -8.0, -8.0]

Specifies minimum grid values (regular grid).


Converts all numpy.ndarrays given as the keyword arguments (**kwargs) from a vector grid of shape=(…, Nx*Ny*Nz, …,) to a regular grid of shape=(…, Nx, Ny, Nz, …,), and, if more than one **kwargs is given, returns it as a dictionary.

Hint: The global values for the grid dimensionality, i.e., grid.N_, are used for reshaping.

orbkit.grid.random_grid(geo_spec, N=1000000.0, scale=0.5)[source]

Creates a normally distributed grid around the atom postions (geo_spec).


geo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
N : int
Number of points distributed around each atom
scale : float
Width of normal distribution, comment='#')[source]

Reads a grid from a plain text file.


fid : str
Specifies the filename of the grid file.


is_vector : bool
If True, a vector grid is used for the computations.

Supported Formats:

Regular Grid:

# Regular Grid Example File
# Format:
# x xmin xmax Nx
# y ymin ymax Ny
# z zmin zmax Nz

x -5 5 101
y -2 2  51
z  0 0   1 

Vector Grid:

# Vectorized Grid Example File
# The header 'x y z' is mandatory!

x       y       z
-5      -5      0
-4      -5      0
-3      -5      0
0       0       0
2       -1e-1   9.78

Hint: If a line starts with ‘#’, it will be skipped. Please, do not use ‘#’ at the end of a line!


Creates matrix representation for reflection Plane has to be specified as follows: xy-plane -> plane= numpy.array([0,1]) xz-plane -> plane= numpy.array([0,2]) yz-plane -> plane= numpy.array([1,2])


Resets the grid parameters.

orbkit.grid.rot(ang, axis)[source]

Creates matrix representation for arbitrary rotations Angle has to be defined in radians, e.g., numpy.pi/2.0 Axis has to be specified as follows: x-axis -> axis=0, y-axis -> axis=1, z-axis -> axis=2,

orbkit.grid.set_grid(xnew, ynew, znew, is_vector=None)[source]

Sets the x-, y-, z-grid.

orbkit.grid.sph2cart_vector(r, theta, phi)[source]

Converts a spherical regular grid matrix (r, theta, phi) to a Cartesian grid matrix (vector grid) with the shape (3, (Nr*Ntheta*Nphi)).


r : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nr,)
Specifies radial distance.
theta : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Ntheta,)
Specifies polar angle.
phi : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nphi,)
Specifies azimuth angle.

Returns a dictionary containing the current x-, y-, z-grid.


Returns a list containing the current x-, y-, z-grid.

orbkit.grid.vector2grid(Nx, Ny, Nz)[source]

Converts the (3, (Nx*Ny*Nz)) grid matrix (vector grid) back to the regular grid characterized by the x-, y-, z-vectors. Reverse operation: orbkit.grid.grid2vector

orbkit.grid.x = array([0.])

Contains the x-coordinates.

orbkit.grid.y = array([0.])

Contains the y-coordinates.

orbkit.grid.z = array([0.])

Contains the z-coordinates.


Module performing all computational tasks.

orbkit.core.ao_creator(geo_spec, ao_spec, drv=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, is_vector=None)[source]

Calculates all contracted atomic orbitals or its derivatives with respect to a specific variable (e.g. drv = ‘x’ or drv = 0).


geo_spec,ao_spec :
See Central Variables in the manual for details.
sel_ao : int
Index of the requested atomic orbital
drv : int or string, {None, ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’, 0, 1, 2}, optional
If not None, an analytical calculation of the derivatives for the atomic orbitals with respect to DRV is requested.
x,y,z : None or list of floats, optional
If not None, provides a list of Cartesian coordinates, else the respective coordinates of grid. will be used
is_vector : bool, optional
If True, a vector grid will be applied


ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the computed NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.core.calc_mo_matrix(qc_a, qc_b=None, drv=None, numproc=1, slice_length=10000.0, save_hdf5=False, **kwargs)[source]

Calculates and saves the selected molecular orbitals or the derivatives thereof. Parameters:

qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
fid_mo_list : str
Specifies the filename of the molecular orbitals list or list of molecular orbital labels (cf. for details). If fid_mo_list is ‘all_mo’, creates a list containing all molecular orbitals.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, a derivative calculation of the molecular orbitals is requested.
otype : str or list of str, optional
Specifies output file type. See otypes for details.
ofid : str, optional
Specifies output file name. If None, the filename will be based on orbkit.options.outputname.
numproc : int, optional
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. If None, uses the value from options.numproc.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess. If None, uses the value from options.slice_length.
full_matrix : bool
if False, numpy.tril_indices(NMO)
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.core.cartesian2spherical(ao_list, ao_spec)[source]

Transforms the atomic orbitals from a Cartesian Gaussian basis to a (real) pure spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set.

Adapted from H.B. Schlegel and M.J. Frisch, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 54, 83-87 (1995).


ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.


ao_list_sph : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO spherical atomic orbitals on a grid.


The conversion is currently only supported up to g atomic orbitals.
orbkit.core.mo_creator(ao_list, mo_spec)[source]

Calculates the molecular orbitals.


ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See Central Variables for details.
mo_coeff : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NAO)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all orbitals.


mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.core.rho_compute(qc, calc_ao=False, calc_mo=False, drv=None, laplacian=False, numproc=1, slice_length=10000.0, vector=None, save_hdf5=False, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof.

orbkit divides 3-dimensional regular grids into 2-dimensional slices and 1-dimensional vector grids into 1-dimensional slices of equal length. By default, 3-dimensional grids are used (vector=None). The computational tasks are distributed to the worker processes.


qc : class or dict
QCinfo class or dictionary containing the following attributes/keys. See Central Variables for details.
qc.geo_spec : numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,NATOMS)
See Central Variables for details.
qc.ao_spec : List of dictionaries
See Central Variables for details.
qc.mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See Central Variables for details.
calc_ao : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the atomic orbitals is only carried out.
calc_mo : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the molecular orbitals requested is only carried out.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, computes the analytical derivative of the requested quantities with respect to DRV.
laplacian : bool, optional
If True, computes the laplacian of the density.
numproc : int
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing.
grid : module or class, global
Contains the grid, i.e., grid.x, grid.y, and grid.z. If grid.is_initialized is not True, functions runs grid.grid_init().


If calc_mo and drv is None:
  • mo_list
If calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • delta_mo_list
If not calc_mo and drv is None:
  • rho
If not calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • rho, delta_rho
If not calc_mo and laplacian:
  • rho, delta_rho, laplacian_rho
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
mo_norm : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,)
Contains the numerical norms of the molecular orbitals.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the density on a grid.
laplacian_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the laplacian of the density on a grid, i.e. \(\nabla^2 \rho = \nabla^2_x \rho + \nabla^2_y \rho + \nabla^2_z \rho\).
orbkit.core.rho_compute_no_slice(qc, calc_ao=False, calc_mo=False, drv=None, laplacian=False, return_components=False, x=None, y=None, z=None, is_vector=None, **kwargs)[source]

Calculates the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof without slicing the grid.


qc : class or dict
QCinfo class or dictionary containing the following attributes/keys. See Central Variables for details.
qc.geo_spec : numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,NATOMS)
See Central Variables for details.
qc.ao_spec : List of dictionaries
See Central Variables for details.
qc.mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See Central Variables for details.
calc_ao : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the atomic orbitals is only carried out.
calc_mo : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the molecular orbitals requested is only carried out.
is_vector : bool, optional
If True, performs the computations for a vector grid, i.e., with x, y, and z as vectors.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, computes the analytical derivative of the requested quantities with respect to DRV.
laplacian : bool, optional
If True, computes the laplacian of the density.
return_components : bool, optional
If True, returns the atomic and molecular orbitals, and the density, and if requested, the derivatives thereof as well.
x,y,z : numpy.ndarray, optional
If not None, provides a list of Cartesian coordinates, else the respective coordinates of the module orbkit.grid will be used.


If not return_components:
if calc_mo and drv is None:
  • mo_list
if calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • delta_mo_list
if not calc_mo and drv is None:
  • rho
if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • rho, delta_rho
if not calc_mo and laplacian:
  • rho, delta_rho, laplacian_rho

if calc_mo and drv is None:
  • ao_list,mo_list
if calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • delta_ao_list,delta_mo_list
if not calc_mo and drv is None:
  • ao_list,mo_list,rho
if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • ao_list, mo_list, rho, delta_ao_list, delta_mo_list, delta_rho
if not calc_mo and laplacian:
  • ao_list, mo_list, rho, delta_ao_list, delta_mo_list, delta_rho, laplacian_rho
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO=len(ao_spec) atomic orbitals on a grid.
delta_ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NAO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the NAO=len(ao_spec) atomic orbitals on a grid.
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
mo_norm : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,)
Contains the numerical norms of the molecular orbitals.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the density on a grid.
laplacian_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the laplacian of the density on a grid, i.e. \(\nabla^2 \rho = \nabla^2_x \rho + \nabla^2_y \rho + \nabla^2_z \rho\).

Calculates the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof with respect to Spec[‘Derivative’] for one slice (xx)

This function is called by the multiprocessing module in the orbkit.core.rho_compute.


xx : [float] or [int, int]

Specifies which slice in x-direction shall be computed.

If not is_vector: One slice at x=xx will be computed.
Else: One slice from index xx[0] to xx[1] will be calculated.
Spec : dict, global
Dictionary containing all required varibles:
geo_spec:List of floats, shape=(NATOMS, 3) (see Central Variables for details).
ao_spec:List of dictionaries (see Central Variables for details).
mo_spec:List of dictionaries (see Central Variables for details).
calc_mo:Bool if only the molecular orbitals are requested.
is_vector:Bool if a vector grid is used.
Derivative:List of strings, choices={‘x’,’y’, or ‘z’}. If not None, derivative calculation will be carried out.
grid : module or class, global
Contains the grid, i.e., grid.x, grid.y, and grid.z.


If calc_mo and drv is None:
  • mo_list
If calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • delta_mo_list
If not calc_mo and drv is None:
  • rho, mo_norm
If not calc_mo and drv is not None:
  • rho, mo_norm, delta_rho
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the density on a grid.


Module performing analytical integrals between atomic and molecular orbitals.

Code for the computation of the overlap between primitive atomic basis functions adapted from

  1. Hô, J. M. Hernandez-Perez: “Evaluation of Gaussian Molecular Integrals”, DOI:10.3888/tmj.14-3
orbkit.analytical_integrals.cartesian2spherical_aoom(ao_overlap_matrix, ao_spec)[source]

Transforms the atomic orbitals overlap matrix from a Cartesian Gaussian basis set to a (real) pure spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set.

Adapted from H.B. Schlegel and M.J. Frisch, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 54, 83-87 (1995).


ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix of the Cartesian basis set.
ao_spec,ao_spherical :
See Central Variables in the manual for details.


aoom_sph : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix of the spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set.


Only supported up to g atomic orbitals and only for contracted atomic orbitals.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc, component='x')[source]

Computes the expectation value of the dipole moment operator between all atomic orbitals.


qc : class
QCinfo class. (See Central Variables for details.)
component : int or string, {‘x’,’y’, ‘z’}
Specifies the compontent of the dipole moment operator which shall be applied.


ao_dipole_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NAO,NAO)
Contains the expectation value matrix.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_ao_overlap(coord_a, coord_b, ao_spec, lxlylz_b=None, drv=None)[source]

Computes the overlap matrix of a basis set, where Bra basis set corresponds to the geometry coord_a and Ket basis set corresponds to the geometry coord_b.

In order to enable the computation of analytical expectation values, the exponents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of the Ket basis set can be set manually with lxlylz_b. Please note that for the normalization of the primitive Cartesian Gaussians the exponents from ao_spec are used.


coord_a : geo_spec
Specifies the geometry of the Bra basis set. See Central Variables in the manual for details.
coord_b : geo_spec
Specifies the geometry of the Ket basis set. See Central Variables in the manual for details.
ao_spec :
See Central Variables in the manual for details.
lxlylz_b : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.int64, shape = (NAO,3), optional
Contains the expontents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of the Ket basis set.


ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix.

Assigns atom indices to molecular orbital coefficients.


qc.ao_spec :
See Central Variables for details.


atom2mo : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,)
Contains indices of atoms assigned to the molecular orbital coefficients.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_dipole_moment(qc, component=['x', 'y', 'z'])[source]

Computes the dipole moment analytically.


qc : class
QCinfo class. (See Central Variables for details.)
component : string or list of strings, {‘x’,’y’, or ‘z’}
Specifies the compontent(s) of the dipole moment which shall be computed.


dipole_moment : 1D numpy.array, shape[0]=len(component)
Contains the dipole moment.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_lc(atoms, atom2mo, strict=False)[source]

Returns indices of molecular orbital coefficients corresponding to the selected atoms.


atoms : int or list of int
Contains the indices of the selected atoms.
atom2mo : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,)
Contains indices of atoms assigned to the molecular orbital coefficients. >> atom2mo = get_atom2mo(qc)


lc : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO_atom,)
Contains the NAO_atom indices molecular orbital coefficients corresponding to the selected atoms.


>> atom2mo = get_atom2mo(qc) >> get_lc([0,3],atom2mo)
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_mo_overlap(mo_a, mo_b, ao_overlap_matrix)[source]

Computes the overlap of two molecular orbitals.


mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (,NAO)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Bra orbitals.
mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (,NAO)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Ket orbitals.
ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set.


mo_overlap : float
Contains the overlap of the two input molecular orbitals.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_mo_overlap_matrix(mo_a, mo_b, ao_overlap_matrix, numproc=1)[source]

Computes the overlap of two sets of molecular orbitals.


mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO), dict, or MOClass instance
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Bra orbitals.
mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO), dict, or MOClass instance
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Ket orbitals.
ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set.
numproc : int
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing.


mo_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NMO)
Contains the overlap matrix between the two sets of input molecular orbitals.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_moom_atoms(atoms, qc, mo_a, mo_b, ao_overlap_matrix, numproc=1)[source]

Computes the molecular orbital overlap matrix for selected atoms.


atoms : int or list of int
Contains the indices of the selected atoms.
mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO) or mo_spec (cf. Central Variables)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Bra orbitals.
mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO) or mo_spec (cf. Central Variables)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all Ket orbitals.
ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO)
Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set.
numproc : int
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing.


mo_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NMO)
Contains the overlap matrix between the two sets of input molecular orbitals.
orbkit.analytical_integrals.get_nuclear_dipole_moment(qc, component='x')[source]

Computes the nuclear part of the dipole moment.


qc : class
QCinfo class. (See Central Variables for details.)
component : string, {‘x’,’y’, ‘z’}
Specifies the compontent of the dipole moment operator which shall be applied.


nuclear_dipole_moment : float
Contains the nuclear dipole moment.


Module for processing multiple output files of quantum chemical software.


  • Read a list of files
  • Order the molecular orbital coefficients by using analytical integrals, by extrapolation, or by hand (e.g. for the preparation of an interpolation)
  • Save and read the information obtained to and from an HDF5-file
  • Depiction of molecular orbitals

Example for the Execution:

# Create a list of input filenames
fid_list = []
for i in range(101):
  fid_list.append('~/molden_files/%03d.molden' % i)

init_display(name = 'MO_ordering')  # Specify a filename for the oklog file 
                                    # (We want a oklog file but we have no 
                                    # options.outputname here.)

# Start reading and ordering routine.


Module for writing the .oklog files and printing the terminal output.


Prints string to the terminal output and to the .oklog file.


Sets the name of the .oklog file and removes the old .oklog file.

orbkit.display.is_initiated = False

If True, logfile is initialized.

orbkit.display.log_fid = None

Specifies the filename of the oklog file


Build new ORBKIT io interface

orbkit.output.main_output(data, qc=None, outputname='new', otype='auto', gname='', drv=None, omit=[], datalabels='', geo_info=None, geo_spec=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates the requested output.


data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N, shape=((NDRV,) + N), shape=(n, (NDRV,) + N) or list of numpy.ndarrays
Contains the output data. The shape (N) depends on the grid and the data, i.e., 3d for regular grid, 1d for vector grid.
geo_info, geo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
outputname : str or list of str
Contains the base name of the output file.
otype : str or list of str
Contains the output file type. Possible options: ‘auto’, ‘h5’, ‘cb’, ‘am’, ‘hx’, ‘vmd’, ‘mayavi’
drv : None, list of str or list of list of str optional
If not None, a 4d(regular)/2d(vector) input data array will be expected with NDRV = len(drv).
omit : list of str, optional
If not empty, the output file types specified here are omitted.


All additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the output functions.
orbkit.output.amira_creator(data, filename)[source]

Creates a ZIBAmira mesh file. (plain text)


data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N or (3,)+N
Contains the output data.
filename : str
Contains the base name of the output file.
orbkit.output.hx_network_creator(rho, filename)[source]

Creates a ZIBAmira hx-network file including a colormap file (.cmap) adjusted to the density for the easy depiction of the density.

orbkit.output.cube_creator(data, filename, geo_info, geo_spec, comments='', labels=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a plain text Gaussian cube file.


data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N
Contains the output data.
filename : str
Contains the base name of the output file.
geo_info, geo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
comments : str, optional
Specifies the second (comment) line of the cube file.


Module for all additional features of ORBKIT.

orbkit.extras.atom2index(atom, geo_info=None)[source]

Converts a list of atom numbers to indices of geo_info.


atom : int or list of int
Specifies the indices of the atoms (counting from one).
geo_info : optional
See Central Variables for details.


atom : list of int
Contains the indices of the atoms (counting from one).
index : numpy.ndarray, dtype=int
Contains the indices of the atoms as occuring in qc.geo_info (counting from zero).
orbkit.extras.calc_ao(qc, drv=None, otype=None, ofid=None, numproc=None, slice_length=None)[source]

Computes and saves all atomic orbital or a derivative thereof.


qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, a derivative calculation of the atomic orbitals is requested.
otype : str or list of str, optional
Specifies output file type. See otypes for details.
ofid : str, optional
Specifies output file name. If None, the filename will be based on orbkit.options.outputname.
numproc : int, optional
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. If None, uses the value from options.numproc.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess. If None, uses the value from options.slice_length.
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the computed NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.extras.calc_jmo(qc, ij, drv=['x', 'y', 'z'], numproc=1, otype=None, ofid='', **kwargs)[source]

Calculate one component (e.g. drv=’x’) of the transition electoronic flux density between the molecular orbitals i and j.

\[moTEFD_{i,j}(r) = <mo_i|\delta(r-r')\nabla_x|mo_j>\]


i: int
index of the first mo (Bra)
j: int
index of the second mo (Ket)
drv: {0,1,2,’x’,’y’,’z’}
The desired component of the vector field of the transition electoronic flux density


mo_tefd : numpy.ndarray
orbkit.extras.calc_mo(qc, fid_mo_list, drv=None, otype=None, ofid=None, numproc=None, slice_length=None)[source]

Calculates and saves the selected molecular orbitals or the derivatives thereof. Parameters:

qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
fid_mo_list : str
Specifies the filename of the molecular orbitals list or list of molecular orbital labels (cf. for details). If fid_mo_list is ‘all_mo’, creates a list containing all molecular orbitals.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, a derivative calculation of the molecular orbitals is requested.
otype : str or list of str, optional
Specifies output file type. See otypes for details.
ofid : str, optional
Specifies output file name. If None, the filename will be based on orbkit.options.outputname.
numproc : int, optional
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. If None, uses the value from options.numproc.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess. If None, uses the value from options.slice_length.
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.extras.gross_atomic_density(atom, qc, bReturnmo=False, ao_list=None, mo_list=None, drv=None)[source]

Computes the gross atomic density with respect to the selected atoms.

\[\rho^a = \sum_i^{N_{\rm MO}} {\rm occ}_i \cdot \varphi_i^a \cdot \varphi_i\]


atom : ‘all’ or int or list of int
Specifies the atoms (counting from one) for which the gross atomic density will be computed. If (atom == ‘all’) or (atom == -1), computes the gross atomic density for all atoms.
qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
bReturnmo : bool, optional
If True, the gross atomic molecular orbitals are additionally returned.


rho_atom : list of numpy.ndarrays, shape=(len(atoms,) + N)
Contains the atom gross atomic density on a grid.
mo_atom : list of numpy.ndarrays, shape=(len(atoms,NMO) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) gross atomic molecular orbitals on a grid.
orbkit.extras.mo_set(qc, fid_mo_list, drv=None, laplacian=None, otype=None, ofid=None, return_all=True, numproc=None, slice_length=None)[source]

Calculates and saves the density or the derivative thereof using selected molecular orbitals.


qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See Central Variables for details.
fid_mo_list : str
Specifies the filename of the molecular orbitals list or list of molecular orbital labels (cf. for details).
otype : str or list of str, optional
Specifies output file type. See otypes for details.
ofid : str, optional
Specifies output file name. If None, the filename will be based on orbkit.options.outputname.
drv : string or list of strings {None,’x’,’y’, ‘z’, ‘xx’, ‘xy’, …}, optional
If not None, a derivative calculation is requested.
return_all : bool
If False, no data will be returned.
numproc : int, optional
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. If None, uses the value from options.numproc.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess. If None, uses the value from options.slice_length.
datasets : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NSET,) + N)
Contains the NSET molecular orbital sets on a grid.
delta_datasets : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NSET,NDRV) + N)
Contains the NDRV NSET molecular orbital set on a grid. This is only present if derivatives are requested.
orbkit.extras.numerical_mulliken_charges(atom, qc, ao_list=None, mo_list=None, rho_atom=None)[source]

Compute the Mulliken charges and gross atomic populations of the selected atoms numerically using the respective gross atomic densities.

\[P^a = \int \rho^a(x,y,z) {\rm d}^3r\]


atom : ‘all’ or int or list of int
Specifies the atom (numbering starting from one) to which the numerical Mulliken charges and gross populations will be computed. If (atom == ‘all’) or (atom == -1), computes the charges and populations for all atoms.


rho_atom : list of numpy.ndarrays, shape=(len(atoms,) + N)
Contains the atom gross atomic density on a grid.
mulliken_num : dict, (present if not is_vector)
Contains information of Mulliken charge analysis and has following members:
  • Mulliken population for each atom.
  • Mulliken charges for each atom.
