# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module performing all computational tasks.'''
Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, Lukas Eugen Marsoner Steinkasserer, Axel Schild, and Jean Christophe Tremblay
Institut fuer Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universitaet Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany
This file is part of orbkit.
orbkit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or any later version.
orbkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with orbkit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Import general modules
import time
import numpy
from .tools import *
from multiprocessing import Pool
# Import orbkit modules
from orbkit import grid,cy_grid,cy_core
from orbkit.display import display
[docs]def ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,drv=None,
'''Calculates all contracted atomic orbitals or its
derivatives with respect to a specific variable (e.g. drv = 'x' or drv = 0).
geo_spec,ao_spec :
See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details.
sel_ao : int
Index of the requested atomic orbital
drv : int or string, {None, 'x', 'y', 'z', 0, 1, 2}, optional
If not None, an analytical calculation of the derivatives for
the atomic orbitals with respect to DRV is requested.
x,y,z : None or list of floats, optional
If not None, provides a list of Cartesian coordinates,
else the respective coordinates of grid. will be used
is_vector : bool, optional
If True, a vector grid will be applied
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the computed NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
# Create the grid
if all(v is None for v in [x,y,z,is_vector]) and not grid.is_initialized:
display('\nSetting up the grid...')
display(grid.get_grid()) # Display the grid
if x is None: x = grid.x
if y is None: y = grid.y
if z is None: z = grid.z
if is_vector is None: is_vector = grid.is_vector
was_vector = is_vector
if not is_vector:
N = (len(x),len(y),len(z))
# Convert regular grid to vector grid
x,y,z = cy_grid.grid2vector(x.copy(),y.copy(),z.copy())
if len(x) != len(y) or len(x) != len(z):
raise ValueError('Dimensions of x-, y-, and z- coordinate differ!')
N = (len(x),)
x = require(x, dtype='f')
y = require(y, dtype='f')
z = require(z, dtype='f')
geo_spec = require(geo_spec, dtype='f')
ao_list = cy_core.aocreator(ao_spec.get_lxlylz(),
if 'N' in ao_spec[0]:
# Renormalize atomic orbital
ao_list *= ao_spec[0]['N']
if ao_spec.spherical:
ao_list = cartesian2spherical(ao_list,ao_spec)
if not was_vector: return ao_list.reshape((len(ao_list),) + N,order='C')
return ao_list
[docs]def mo_creator(ao_list,mo_spec):
'''Calculates the molecular orbitals.
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
mo_coeff : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NAO)
Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all orbitals.
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
ao_list = require(ao_list,dtype='f')
shape = ao_list.shape
ao_list.shape = (shape[0],-1)
mo_coeffs = mo_spec.get_coeffs()
mo_list = cy_core.mocreator(ao_list,mo_coeffs).reshape(
((len(mo_coeffs),) + shape[1:]),
ao_list.shape = shape
return mo_list
[docs]def cartesian2spherical(ao_list,ao_spec):
'''Transforms the atomic orbitals from a Cartesian Gaussian basis to a
(real) pure spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set.
Adapted from H.B. Schlegel and M.J. Frisch,
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 54, 83-87 (1995).
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO atomic orbitals on a grid.
ao_list_sph : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO spherical atomic orbitals on a grid.
The conversion is currently only supported up to g atomic orbitals.
lxlylz = ao_spec.get_lxlylz()
assign = ao_spec.get_assign_lxlylz_to_cont()
ao_spherical = ao_spec.get_old_ao_spherical()
l = [[] for i in ao_spec]
for i,j in enumerate(assign):
shape = list(ao_list.shape)
shape[0] = len(ao_spherical)
ao_list_sph = numpy.zeros(shape)
for i0,(j0,k0) in enumerate(ao_spherical):
sph0 = get_cart2sph(*k0)
for c0 in range(len(sph0[0])):
for i,j in enumerate(l[j0]):
if tuple(lxlylz[j]) == sph0[0][c0]:
index0 = i + l[j0][0]
ao_list_sph[i0,:] += sph0[1][c0]*sph0[2]*ao_list[index0,:]
return ao_list_sph
[docs]def slice_rho(xx):
'''Calculates the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof
with respect to Spec['Derivative'] for one slice (xx)
This function is called by the multiprocessing module in the :mod:`orbkit.core.rho_compute`.
xx : [float] or [int, int]
Specifies which slice in x-direction shall be computed.
| **If not is_vector:** One slice at x=xx will be computed.
| **Else:** One slice from index xx[0] to xx[1] will be calculated.
Spec : dict, global
Dictionary containing all required varibles:
:geo_spec: List of floats, shape=(NATOMS, 3) (see :ref:`Central Variables` for details).
:ao_spec: List of dictionaries (see :ref:`Central Variables` for details).
:mo_spec: List of dictionaries (see :ref:`Central Variables` for details).
:calc_mo: Bool if only the molecular orbitals are requested.
:is_vector: Bool if a vector grid is used.
:Derivative: List of strings, choices={'x','y', or 'z'}.
If not None, derivative calculation will be carried out.
grid : module or class, global
Contains the grid, i.e., grid.x, grid.y, and grid.z.
:if calc_mo and drv is None:
- mo_list
:if calc_mo and drv is not None:
- delta_mo_list
:if not calc_mo and drv is None:
- rho, mo_norm
:if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
- rho, mo_norm, delta_rho
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the
NMO=len(mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of
the density on a grid.
# All desired information is stored in the Global variable Spec
if isinstance(Spec['qc'], dict):
geo_spec = Spec['qc']['geo_spec']
ao_spec = Spec['qc']['ao_spec']
mo_spec = Spec['qc']['mo_spec']
geo_spec = Spec['qc'].geo_spec
ao_spec = Spec['qc'].ao_spec
mo_spec = Spec['qc'].mo_spec
drv = Spec['derivative']
calc_mo = Spec['calc_mo']
if Spec['calc_ao']:
_mo_creator = lambda x,y: x
_mo_creator = mo_creator
# Set up Grid
x = grid.x[xx[0]:xx[1]]
y = grid.y[xx[0]:xx[1]]
z = grid.z[xx[0]:xx[1]]
N = (len(x),)
if drv is not None and calc_mo:
delta_mo_list = []
for ii_d in drv:
# Calculate the derivatives of the AOs and MOs for this slice
delta_ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,drv=ii_d,
return numpy.array(delta_mo_list)
# Calculate the MOs and AOs for this slice
ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,x=x,y=y,z=z,is_vector=True)
mo_list = _mo_creator(ao_list,mo_spec)
if calc_mo:
return numpy.array(mo_list)
# Initialize a numpy array for the density
rho = numpy.zeros(N)
# Initialize a numpy array for the norm of the MOs
mo_norm = numpy.zeros((len(mo_list)))
# Calculate the density and the norm
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_list)):
mo_norm[ii_mo] = numpy.sum(numpy.square(mo_list[ii_mo]))
rho += mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num'] * numpy.square(numpy.abs(mo_list[ii_mo]))
if drv is None:
# Return the density and the norm
return rho, mo_norm
# Initialize a numpy array for the derivative of the density
delta_rho = numpy.zeros((len(drv),) + N)
for i,ii_d in enumerate(drv):
# Calculate the derivatives of the AOs and MOs for this slice
delta_ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,drv=ii_d,
delta_mo_list = mo_creator(delta_ao_list,mo_spec)
if len(ii_d) == 2:
ao_0 = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,drv=ii_d[0],
if '2' in ii_d or ii_d[0] == ii_d[1]:
delta2_mo_list = numpy.array(mo_creator(ao_0,mo_spec))**2
ao_1 = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,drv=ii_d[1],
delta2_mo_list = (numpy.array(mo_creator(ao_0,mo_spec)) *
# Calculate the derivative of the density
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_list)):
delta_rho[i] += (mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num'] *
2 * delta_mo_list[ii_mo]*mo_list[ii_mo])
if len(ii_d) == 2:
delta_rho[i] += mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num'] * 2 * delta2_mo_list[ii_mo]
# Return the derivative of the density
return rho, mo_norm, delta_rho
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# Catch keybord interrupt signal to prevent a hangup of the worker processes
return 0
# slice_rho
def initializer(global_args):
global Spec
Spec = global_args
[docs]def rho_compute(qc,calc_ao=False,calc_mo=False,drv=None,laplacian=False,
r'''Calculate the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof.
orbkit divides 3-dimensional regular grids into 2-dimensional slices and
1-dimensional vector grids into 1-dimensional slices of equal length. By default,
3-dimensional grids are used (:literal:`vector=None`).
The computational tasks are distributed to the worker processes.
qc : class or dict
QCinfo class or dictionary containing the following attributes/keys.
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.geo_spec : numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,NATOMS)
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.ao_spec : List of dictionaries
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
calc_ao : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the atomic orbitals is only
carried out.
calc_mo : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the molecular orbitals requested is only
carried out.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess.
drv : string or list of strings {None,'x','y', 'z', 'xx', 'xy', ...}, optional
If not None, computes the analytical derivative of the requested
quantities with respect to DRV.
laplacian : bool, optional
If True, computes the laplacian of the density.
numproc : int
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing.
grid : module or class, global
Contains the grid, i.e., grid.x, grid.y, and grid.z. If grid.is_initialized
is not True, functions runs grid.grid_init().
:if calc_mo and drv is None:
- mo_list
:if calc_mo and drv is not None:
- delta_mo_list
:if not calc_mo and drv is None:
- rho
:if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
- rho, delta_rho
:if not calc_mo and laplacian:
- rho, delta_rho, laplacian_rho
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the
NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
mo_norm : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,)
Contains the numerical norms of the molecular orbitals.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of
the density on a grid.
laplacian_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the laplacian of the density on a grid, i.e.
:math:`\nabla^2 \rho = \nabla^2_x \rho + \nabla^2_y \rho + \nabla^2_z \rho`.
#if not isinstance(qc,QCinfo):
#raise TypeError('rho_compute argument `qc` has to be a QCinfo class instance')
if calc_ao and calc_mo:
raise ValueError('Choose either calc_ao=True or calc_mo=True')
elif calc_ao:
calc_mo = True
slice_length = slice_length if not vector else vector
if numproc <= 0:
return rho_compute_no_slice(qc,calc_ao=calc_ao,calc_mo=calc_mo,drv=drv,
if laplacian:
if not (drv is None or drv == ['xx','yy','zz'] or drv == ['x2','y2','z2']):
display('Note: You have set the option `laplacian` and specified values\n' +
'for `drv`. Both options are not compatible.\n' +
'The option `drv` has been changed to `drv=["xx","yy","zz"]`.')
drv = ['xx','yy','zz']
if drv is not None:
is_drv = True
drv = list(drv)
except TypeError:
drv = [drv]
is_drv = False
if isinstance(qc, dict):
ao_spec = qc['ao_spec']
mo_spec = qc['mo_spec']
ao_spec = qc.ao_spec
mo_spec = qc.mo_spec
if calc_ao:
labels = ao_spec.get_labels()
mo_num = ao_spec.get_ao_num()
mo_num = len(mo_spec)
labels = mo_spec.get_labels(format='print')
if not grid.is_initialized:
display('\nSetting up the grid...')
display(grid.get_grid()) # Display the grid
was_vector = grid.is_vector
N = (len(grid.x),) if was_vector else (len(grid.x),len(grid.y),len(grid.z))
if not was_vector:
display('Converting the regular grid to a vector grid containing ' +
'%.2e grid points...' % len(grid.x))
# Define the slice length
npts = len(grid.x)
if slice_length <= 0: slice_length = numpy.ceil(npts/float(numproc))+1
sNum = int(numpy.floor(npts/slice_length)+1)
if slice_length >= npts:
slice_length = npts
sNum = 1
# The number of worker processes is capped to the number of
# grid points in x-direction.
if numproc > sNum: numproc = sNum
if isinstance(qc, dict):
ao_spec = qc['ao_spec']
ao_spec = qc.ao_spec
# Print information regarding the density calculation
display('\nStarting the calculation of the %s...' %
('molecular orbitals' if calc_mo else 'density'))
display('The grid has been separated into %d slices each having %.2e grid points.' %
(sNum, slice_length))
if numproc <= 1:
display('The calculation will be carried out using only one process.\n' +
'\n\tThe number of subprocesses can be changed with -p\n')
display('The calculation will be carried out with %d subprocesses.'
% numproc)
display('\nThere are %d contracted %s AOs' % (ao_spec.get_ao_num(),
'Cartesian' if not ao_spec.spherical else 'spherical')+
('' if calc_ao else ' and %d MOs to be calculated.' % mo_num))
# Initialize some additional user information
status_old = 0
s_old = 0
t = [time.time()]
# Make slices
# Initialize an array to store the results
mo_norm = numpy.zeros((mo_num,))
if save_hdf5:
import h5py
hdf5_file = h5py.File(str(save_hdf5), 'w')
hdf5_file['grid/x'] = grid.x
hdf5_file['grid/y'] = grid.y
hdf5_file['grid/z'] = grid.z
hdf5_file['grid/is_vector'] = False
hdf5_file['grid/is_regular'] = was_vector
hdf5_file = None
if calc_mo:
shape = (mo_num,npts) if drv is None else (len(drv),mo_num,npts)
mo_list = zeros(shape,
'ao_list' if calc_ao else 'mo_list',
hdf5_file=hdf5_file,chunks=shape[:-1] + (slice_length,))
shape = (npts,)
rho = zeros(npts,'rho',
hdf5_file=hdf5_file,chunks=shape[:-1] + (slice_length,))
if is_drv:
shape = (len(drv),npts)
delta_rho = zeros(shape,'delta_rho',
hdf5_file=hdf5_file,chunks=shape[:-1] + (slice_length,))
# Write the slices in x to an array xx
xx = []
i = 0
for s in range(sNum):
if i == npts:
sNum -= 1
elif (i + slice_length) >= npts:
xx.append((numpy.array([i,i + slice_length],dtype=int)))
i += slice_length
# Specify the global variable containing all desired information needed
# by the function slice_rho
Spec = {'qc': qc,
'calc_ao': calc_ao,
'calc_mo': calc_mo,
'derivative': drv
# Start the worker processes
if numproc > 1:
pool = Pool(processes=numproc, initializer=initializer, initargs=(Spec,))
it = pool.imap(slice_rho, xx)
# Compute the density slice by slice
for s in range(sNum):
# Which slice do we compute
i = xx[s][0]
j = xx[s][1]
# Perform the compution for the current slice
result = it.next() if numproc > 1 else slice_rho(xx[s])
# What output do we expect
if calc_mo:
if not is_drv:
mo_list[:,i:j] = result[:,:]
for ii_d in range(len(drv)):
mo_list[ii_d,:,i:j] = result[ii_d,:,:,]
rho[i:j] = result[0]
mo_norm += result[1]
if is_drv:
for ii_d in range(len(drv)):
delta_rho[ii_d,i:j] = result[2][ii_d,:]
# Print out the progress of the computation
status = numpy.floor(s*10/float(sNum))*10
if not status % 10 and status != status_old:
display('\tFinished %(f)d %% (%(s)d slices in %(t).3f s)'
% {'f': status,
's': s + 1 - s_old,
't': t[-1]-t[-2]})
status_old = status
s_old = s + 1
# Close the worker processes
if numproc > 1:
if not was_vector:
display('Converting the output from a vector grid to a regular grid...')
if not was_vector and drv is None:
# Print the norm of the MOs
display('\nNorm of the MOs:')
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_norm)):
if calc_mo:
norm = numpy.sum(numpy.square(mo_list[ii_mo]))*grid.d3r
norm = mo_norm[ii_mo]*grid.d3r
display('\t%(m).6f\t%(t)s %(n)s'
% {'m':norm, 'n':labels[ii_mo], 't':'AO' if calc_ao else 'MO'})
if calc_mo:
#if not was_vector:
mo_list = reshape(mo_list,((mo_num,) if drv is None
else (len(drv),mo_num,)) + N,save_hdf5)
if save_hdf5: hdf5_file.close()
return mo_list
if not was_vector:
# Print the number of electrons
display('We have ' + str(numpy.sum(rho)*grid.d3r) + ' electrons.')
#if not was_vector:
rho = reshape(rho,N,save_hdf5)
if not is_drv:
if save_hdf5: hdf5_file.close()
return rho
#if not was_vector:
delta_rho = reshape(delta_rho,(len(drv),) + N,save_hdf5)
if save_hdf5: hdf5_file.close()
if laplacian: return rho, delta_rho, delta_rho.sum(axis=0)
return rho, delta_rho
# rho_compute
[docs]def rho_compute_no_slice(qc,calc_ao=False,calc_mo=False,drv=None,
r'''Calculates the density, the molecular orbitals, or the derivatives thereof
without slicing the grid.
qc : class or dict
QCinfo class or dictionary containing the following attributes/keys.
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.geo_spec : numpy.ndarray, shape=(3,NATOMS)
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.ao_spec : List of dictionaries
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
qc.mo_spec : List of dictionaries
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
calc_ao : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the atomic orbitals is only
carried out.
calc_mo : bool, optional
If True, the computation of the molecular orbitals requested is only
carried out.
is_vector : bool, optional
If True, performs the computations for a vector grid, i.e.,
with x, y, and z as vectors.
drv : string or list of strings {None,'x','y', 'z', 'xx', 'xy', ...}, optional
If not None, computes the analytical derivative of the requested
quantities with respect to DRV.
laplacian : bool, optional
If True, computes the laplacian of the density.
return_components : bool, optional
If True, returns the atomic and molecular orbitals, and the density,
and if requested, the derivatives thereof as well.
x,y,z : numpy.ndarray, optional
If not None, provides a list of Cartesian coordinates,
else the respective coordinates of the module :mod:`orbkit.grid` will
be used.
:if not return_components:
:if calc_mo and drv is None:
- mo_list
:if calc_mo and drv is not None:
- delta_mo_list
:if not calc_mo and drv is None:
- rho
:if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
- rho, delta_rho
:if not calc_mo and laplacian:
- rho, delta_rho, laplacian_rho
:if calc_mo and drv is None:
- ao_list,mo_list
:if calc_mo and drv is not None:
- delta_ao_list,delta_mo_list
:if not calc_mo and drv is None:
- ao_list,mo_list,rho
:if not calc_mo and drv is not None:
- ao_list, mo_list, rho, delta_ao_list, delta_mo_list, delta_rho
:if not calc_mo and laplacian:
- ao_list, mo_list, rho, delta_ao_list, delta_mo_list, delta_rho, laplacian_rho
ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NAO,) + N)
Contains the NAO=len(ao_spec) atomic orbitals on a grid.
delta_ao_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NAO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the
NAO=len(ao_spec) atomic orbitals on a grid.
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
delta_mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,NMO) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of the
NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
mo_norm : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,)
Contains the numerical norms of the molecular orbitals.
rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the density on a grid.
delta_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NDRV,) + N)
Contains the derivatives with respect to drv (NDRV=len(drv)) of
the density on a grid.
laplacian_rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=(N)
Contains the laplacian of the density on a grid, i.e.
:math:`\nabla^2 \rho = \nabla^2_x \rho + \nabla^2_y \rho + \nabla^2_z \rho`.
if calc_ao and calc_mo:
raise ValueError('calc_ao and calc_mo are mutually exclusive arguments.'+
'Use calc_mo and return_components instead!')
#if not isinstance(qc,QCinfo):
#raise TypeError('rho_compute_no_slice argument `qc` has to be a QCinfo class instance')
# Create the grid
if all(v is None for v in [x,y,z,is_vector]) and not grid.is_initialized:
display('\nSetting up the grid...')
display(grid.get_grid()) # Display the grid
if x is None: x = grid.x
if y is None: y = grid.y
if z is None: z = grid.z
if is_vector is None: is_vector = grid.is_vector
was_vector = is_vector
if not is_vector:
N = (len(x),len(y),len(z))
d3r = 1.0
for i in x,y,z:
if len(i) > 1:
d3r *= (i[1]-i[0])
# Convert regular grid to vector grid
x,y,z = cy_grid.grid2vector(x.copy(),y.copy(),z.copy())
is_vector = True
display('Converting the regular grid to a vector grid containing ' +
'%.2e grid points...' % len(grid.x))
if len(x) != len(y) or len(x) != len(z):
raise ValueError('Dimensions of x-, y-, and z- coordinate differ!')
N = (len(x),)
if laplacian:
if not (drv is None or drv == ['xx','yy','zz'] or drv == ['x2','y2','z2']):
display('Note: You have set the option `laplacian` and specified values\n' +
'for `drv`. Both options are not compatible.\n' +
'The option `drv` has been changed to `drv=["xx","yy","zz"]`.')
drv = ['xx','yy','zz']
if isinstance(qc, dict):
ao_spec = qc['ao_spec']
mo_spec = qc['mo_spec']
ao_spec = qc.ao_spec
mo_spec = qc.mo_spec
display('\nStarting the calculation without slicing the grid...')
display('\nThere are %d contracted %s AOs' % (ao_spec.get_ao_num(),
'Cartesian' if not ao_spec.spherical else 'spherical')+
('' if calc_ao else ' and %d MOs to be calculated.' % len(mo_spec)))
if drv is not None:
drv = list(drv)
except TypeError:
drv = [drv]
display('\nCalculating the derivatives of the atomic and molecular orbitals...')
delta_ao_list = [[] for ii_d in drv]
delta_mo_list = [[] for ii_d in drv]
for i,ii_d in enumerate(drv):
display('\t...with respect to %s' % ii_d)
# Calculate the derivatives of the AOs and MOs
delta_ao_list[i] = ao_creator(qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec,
if not calc_ao: delta_mo_list[i] = mo_creator(delta_ao_list[i],qc.mo_spec)
delta_ao_list = convert(delta_ao_list,was_vector,N)
if calc_ao:
return delta_ao_list
delta_mo_list = convert(delta_mo_list,was_vector,N)
if calc_mo:
return ((delta_ao_list,delta_mo_list) if return_components
else delta_mo_list)
delta2_mo_list = [None for ii_d in drv]
for i,ii_d in enumerate(drv):
if len(ii_d) == 2:
display('\t...with respect to %s' % ii_d[0])
ao_0 = ao_creator(qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec,
if '2' in ii_d or ii_d == 'xx' or ii_d == 'yy' or ii_d == 'zz':
delta2_mo_list[i] = mo_creator(ao_0,qc.mo_spec)**2
display('\t...with respect to %s' % ii_d[1])
ao_1 = ao_creator(qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec,
delta2_mo_list[i] = (mo_creator(ao_0,qc.mo_spec) *
delta2_mo_list[i] = convert(delta2_mo_list[i],was_vector,N)
display('\nCalculating the atomic and molecular orbitals...')
# Calculate the AOs and MOs
ao_list = ao_creator(qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec,
if not calc_ao: mo_list = convert(mo_creator(ao_list,qc.mo_spec),was_vector,N)
ao_list = convert(ao_list,was_vector,N)
if calc_ao:
return ao_list
if not was_vector:
# Print the norm of the MOs
display('\nNorm of the MOs:')
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_list)):
display('\t%(m).6f\tMO %(n)s'
% {'m':numpy.sum(mo_list[ii_mo]**2)*d3r, 'n':qc.mo_spec[ii_mo]['sym']})
if calc_mo:
return ((ao_list, mo_list) if return_components
else mo_list)
# Initialize a numpy array for the density
rho = numpy.zeros(N)
display('\nCalculating the density...')
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_list)):
rho += numpy.square(numpy.abs(mo_list[ii_mo])) * qc.mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num']
if not was_vector:
# Print the number of electrons
display('We have ' + str(numpy.sum(rho)*d3r) + ' electrons.')
if drv is None:
return ((ao_list, mo_list, rho) if return_components else rho)
# Print information
display('\nCalculating the derivative of the density...')
delta_rho = numpy.zeros((len(drv),) + N)
# Loop over spatial directions
for i,ii_d in enumerate(drv):
display('\t...with respect to %s' % ii_d)
# Calculate the derivative of the density
for ii_mo in range(len(mo_list)):
delta_rho[i] += (qc.mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num'] *
2 * delta_mo_list[i,ii_mo]*mo_list[ii_mo])
if len(ii_d) == 2:
delta_rho[i] += qc.mo_spec[ii_mo]['occ_num'] * 2 * delta2_mo_list[i][ii_mo]
delta = (delta_rho,delta_rho.sum(axis=0)) if laplacian else (delta_rho,)
return ((ao_list, mo_list, rho, delta_ao_list, delta_mo_list,) + delta
if return_components else (rho,) + delta)
# rho_compute_no_slice
[docs]def calc_mo_matrix(qc_a,qc_b=None,drv=None,numproc=1,slice_length=1e4,save_hdf5=False,
'''Calculates and saves the selected molecular orbitals or the derivatives thereof.
qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec :
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
fid_mo_list : str
Specifies the filename of the molecular orbitals list or list of molecular
orbital labels (cf. :mod:`orbkit.read.mo_select` for details).
If fid_mo_list is 'all_mo', creates a list containing all molecular orbitals.
drv : string or list of strings {None,'x','y', 'z', 'xx', 'xy', ...}, optional
If not None, a derivative calculation of the molecular orbitals
is requested.
otype : str or list of str, optional
Specifies output file type. See :data:`otypes` for details.
ofid : str, optional
Specifies output file name. If None, the filename will be based on
numproc : int, optional
Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing.
If None, uses the value from :mod:`options.numproc`.
slice_length : int, optional
Specifies the number of points per subprocess.
If None, uses the value from :mod:`options.slice_length`.
full_matrix : bool
if False, numpy.tril_indices(NMO)
mo_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=((NMO,) + N)
Contains the NMO=len(qc.mo_spec) molecular orbitals on a grid.
if save_hdf5:
save_hdf5_bra = str(save_hdf5) + '.bra'
save_hdf5_ket = str(save_hdf5) + '.ket'
save_hdf5_bra = False
save_hdf5_ket = False
ibra = [0]
if drv is None:
drv = [None]
iket = [0]
elif not isinstance(drv,list):
drv = [None, drv]
iket = [1]
drv = [None] + drv
iket = list(range(1,len(drv)))
if qc_b is None or qc_a == qc_b:
# Calculate the AOs and MOs
mo_ket = rho_compute(qc_a,
mo_bra = mo_ket[ibra]
mo_ket = mo_ket[iket]
mo_bra = rho_compute(qc_a,
mo_ket = rho_compute(qc_b,
if save_hdf5:
import h5py
hdf5_file = h5py.File(str(save_hdf5), 'w')
hdf5_file['grid/x'] = grid.x
hdf5_file['grid/y'] = grid.y
hdf5_file['grid/z'] = grid.z
hdf5_file['grid/is_vector'] = grid.is_vector
nmo_a = mo_bra.shape[1]
nmo_b = mo_ket.shape[1]
shape = (mo_ket.shape[0],nmo_a) + mo_ket.shape[1:]
mo_matrix = zeros(shape,'mo_matrix',hdf5_file=hdf5_file)
for n in range(nmo_a):
for m in range(nmo_b):
mo_matrix[:,n,m] = mo_bra[:,n]*mo_ket[:,m]
if save_hdf5:
return mo_matrix