import numpy
from orbkit import grid
[docs]def cube_creator(data,filename,geo_info,geo_spec,comments='',labels=None,**kwargs):
'''Creates a plain text Gaussian cube file.
data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N
Contains the output data.
filename : str
Contains the base name of the output file.
geo_info, geo_spec :
See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
comments : str, optional
Specifies the second (comment) line of the cube file.
# Shape shall be (Ndrv,Ndata,Nx,Ny,Nz) or (Ndrv,Ndata,Nxyz)
data = numpy.array(data)
dims = 3
ndim = data.ndim
shape = data.shape
if data.ndim < dims:
raise AssertionError('data.ndim < ndim of grid')
elif data.ndim == dims: # 3d data set
data = data[numpy.newaxis]
elif data.ndim > dims + 1:
raise AssertionError('data.ndim > (ndim of grid) +2')
if labels is not None:
if labels == True or labels == 'auto':
labels = list(range(len(data)))
assert len(labels) == len(data)
labels = map(int,labels)
except ValueError:
raise AssertionError('labels has to be list of integers.')
assert data.shape[1:] == tuple(grid.N_), 'The grid does not fit the data.'
# Open an empty file
if not (filename.endswith('cube'),filename.endswith('cb')):
filename += '.cube'
fid = open(filename, 'w')
# Write the type and the position of the atoms in the header
string = 'orbkit calculation\n'
string += ' %(f)s\n' % {'f': comments}
# How many atoms
string += ('%(at)d' % {'at': (-1)**(labels is not None)*len(geo_info)}).rjust(5)
# Minima
for ii in range(3):
string += ('%(min)0.6f' % {'min': grid.min_[ii]}).rjust(12)
# Number of data points per grid point
if len(data) > 1:
string += ('%d' % len(data)).rjust(12)
for ii in range(3):
string += '\n'
string += ('%(N)d' % {'N': grid.N_[ii]}).rjust(5)
for jj in range(3):
if jj == ii:
string += ('%(dr)0.6f' % {'dr': grid.delta_[ii]}).rjust(12)
string += ('%(dr)0.6f' % {'dr': 0}).rjust(12)
string += '\n'
for ii in range(len(geo_info)):
string += ('%(N)d' % {'N': round(float(geo_info[ii][2]))}).rjust(5)
string += ('%(ch)0.6f' % {'ch': float(geo_info[ii][1])}).rjust(12)
for jj in range(3):
string += ('%(r)0.6f' % {'r': geo_spec[ii][jj]}).rjust(12)
string += '\n'
# If exist, write labels
if labels is not None:
string += ('%(N)d' % {'N': len(data)}).rjust(5)
c = 0
for i,j in enumerate(labels):
c += 1
string += str(j).rjust(5)
if (c % 9 == 8):
string += '\n'
string += '\n'
# Write data
for rr in range(len(grid.x)):
for ss in range(len(grid.y)):
c = 0
for tt in range(len(grid.z)):
for dd in data[:,rr,ss,tt]:
string += ('%(data).5E' % {'data': dd}).rjust(13)
if (c % 6 == 5):
string += '\n'
c += 1
string += '\n'
# Close the file