Source code for orbkit.output.amira

import os
import numpy

from orbkit import grid
from orbkit.display import display

from .tools import colormap_creator

[docs]def amira_creator(data,filename): '''Creates a ZIBAmira mesh file. (plain text) **Parameters:** data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N or (3,)+N Contains the output data. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. ''' if data.ndim == 3: typename = 'double' formatter = '{0:.15e}\n' data = numpy.swapaxes(data,0,2).reshape((-1,1)) #ravel(order='F')[:,numpy.newaxis] elif data.ndim == 4: typename = 'double[3]' data = numpy.array([j.ravel(order='F') for j in data]) formatter = '{0:.15e} {1:.15e} {2:.15e}\n' else: raise IOError("amira_creator only supports 3D or 4D data.") N = tuple(grid.N_) # Open an empty file filename += '.am' if not filename.endswith('.am') else '' fid = open(filename,'w') # Write Header fid.write('# AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0\n\n\n') fid.write('define Lattice %d %d %d\n' % N) fid.write('Parameters {\n') fid.write(' Content "%dx%dx%d %s, uniform coordinates",\n' % (N + (typename,))) fid.write(' BoundingBox %(xmin)f %(xmax)f %(ymin)f %(ymax)f %(zmin)f %(zmax)f,\n' % {'xmin': grid.min_[0],'xmax': grid.max_[0], 'ymin': grid.min_[1],'ymax': grid.max_[1], 'zmin': grid.min_[2],'zmax': grid.max_[2]}) fid.write(' CoordType "uniform"\n}\n\n') fid.write('Lattice { %s Data } @1\n'%typename) fid.write('# Data section follows\n@1\n') for i in data: fid.write(formatter.format(*i)) #for tt in range(len(grid.z)): #for ss in range(len(grid.y)): #for rr in range(len(grid.x)): #string += '%g\n' % rho[rr,ss,tt] fid.close()
[docs]def hx_network_creator(rho,filename): '''Creates a ZIBAmira hx-network file including a colormap file (.cmap) adjusted to the density for the easy depiction of the density. ''' from .hx_network_draft import hx_network filename += '.hx' if not filename.endswith('.hx') else '' # Create a .cmap colormap file using the default values display('\tCreating ZIBAmira colormap file...\n\t\t' + filename.replace('.hx','.cmap')) assert (rho.shape != tuple(grid.N_)), 'The grid does not fit the data.' colormap_creator(rho,filename.replace('.hx','.cmap')) # Create a .hx network file based on the file # Open an empty file fid = open(filename,'w') # Copy the content of the draft file and replace the keywords fid.write(hx_network.replace("FILENAME",os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0])) # Close the file fid.close()