qc.ao_spec: |
- Contains all information about the atomic orbitals
- The number of dictionaries corresponds to the number of contracted Gaussians
- Members of the dictionaries:
- “atom”
- Atom number (according to the input file, i.e., starting from 1) (
int )
- “coeffs”
- 1st element exponent and 2nd element contraction coefficients of
the basis functions
numpy.ndarray (dtype= float ) with the shape (Nprimitives, 2)
- “pnum”
- Number of number of primitives (
int )
- “exp_list” (optional)
- Exponents \((l_x,l_y,l_z)\) of the basis functions
- Only present if the order of the exponents deviate from the standard
molden order
list of tuple , i.e., [(l_x1,l_y1,l_z1), (l_x2,l_y2,l_z2), ...]