# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module for processing the data read from the output files of quantum chemical
software. '''
Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, and Axel Schild
Institut fuer Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universitaet Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany
This file is part of orbkit.
orbkit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or any later version.
orbkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with orbkit. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#from scipy.constants import value as physical_constants
import numpy
from os import path
u_to_me = 1822.88839 # Contains the mass conversion factor to atomic units
nist_mass = None
# Standard atomic masses as "Linearized ASCII Output", see http://physics.nist.gov
nist_file = path.join(path.dirname(path.realpath(__file__)),
# see http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/Compositions/stand_alone.pl?ele=&all=all&ascii=ascii2&isotype=some
[docs]class QCinfo:
'''Class managing all information from the from the output
files of quantum chemical software.
See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details.
def __init__(self):
self.geo_info = []
self.geo_spec = []
self.ao_spec = []
self.ao_spherical = None
self.mo_spec = []
self.etot = 0.
self.com = 'Center of mass can be calculated with self.get_com().'
self.coc = 'Center of charge can be calculated with self.get_coc().'
self.bc = 'Barycenter of scalar field can be calculated with self.get_bc().'
self.pop_ana = {}
# transition dipole information
self.states = {'multiplicity' : None,
'energy' : None}
self.dipole_moments = None
def copy(self):
from copy import deepcopy
qcinfo = deepcopy(self)
return qcinfo
[docs] def sort_mo_sym(self):
'''Sorts mo_spec by symmetry.
keys = []
for i_mo in self.mo_spec:
keys = numpy.array(keys,dtype=int)
self.mo_spec = list(numpy.array(self.mo_spec)[numpy.lexsort(keys.T)])
def get_mo_labels(self):
return ['MO %(sym)s, Occ=%(occ_num).2f, E=%(energy)+.4f E_h' %
i for i in self.mo_spec]
def get_mo_energies(self):
return numpy.array([i['energy'] for i in self.mo_spec])
def get_mo_occ(self):
return numpy.array([i['occ_num'] for i in self.mo_spec],dtype=numpy.intc)
def get_nmoocc(self, tol=1e-5):
return sum(self.get_mo_occ() > tol)
[docs] def get_com(self,nuc_list=None):
'''Computes the center of mass.
self.com = numpy.zeros(3)
total_mass = 0.
if nuc_list is None:
nuc_list = list(range(len(self.geo_spec))) # iterate over all nuclei
for ii in nuc_list:
nuc_mass = standard_mass(self.geo_info[ii][0])
self.com += numpy.multiply(self.geo_spec[ii],nuc_mass)
total_mass += nuc_mass
self.com = self.com/total_mass
return self.com
[docs] def get_coc(self):
'''Computes the center of charge.
self.coc = numpy.zeros(3)
total_charge = 0.
for ii in range(len(self.geo_info)):
nuc_charge = float(self.geo_info[ii][2])
self.coc += numpy.multiply(self.geo_spec[ii],nuc_charge)
total_charge += nuc_charge
self.coc = self.coc/total_charge
return self.coc
[docs] def get_bc(self,matrix=None,is_vector=False):
'''Calculates Barycenter for scalar field
# Initialize variable
self.bc = numpy.zeros(3)
# Calculation of barycenter
from orbkit import grid
if not is_vector:
xyz = grid.tolist()
for i in range(3):
self.bc[i] = (matrix.reshape((-1,))*xyz[i]).sum()
self.bc /= matrix.sum()
if not is_vector:
return self.bc
[docs] def select_spin(self,restricted,spin=None):
'''For an unrestricted calculation, the name of the MO
('sym' keyword in ``qc.mo_spec``) is modified, e.g., 3.1_b for MO 3.1 with
beta spin and 3.1_a for MO 3.1 with alpha spin.
For restricted calculation, the 'spin' keyword from ``qc.mo_spec`` is
restricted : bool
If True, removes the 'spin' keyword from ``qc.mo_spec``.
spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional
If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals.
# Only molecular orbitals of one spin requested?
if spin is not None:
for i in range(len(self.mo_spec))[::-1]:
if self.mo_spec[i]['spin'] != spin:
del self.mo_spec[i]
if restricted:
# Closed shell calculation
for mo in self.mo_spec:
del mo['spin']
# Rename MOs according to spin
for mo in self.mo_spec:
mo['sym'] += '_%s' % mo['spin'][0]
[docs] def todict(self):
'''Converts all essential variables into a dictionary.
dct = {}
keys = ['geo_spec',
for key in keys:
dct[key] = getattr(self,key)
return dct
[docs] def get_ase_atoms(self,bbox=None,**kwargs):
'''Create an ASE atoms object.
(cf. https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ase/atoms.html )
bbox : list of floats (bbox=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]), optional
If not None, sets the unit cell to the grid boundaries and moves the
molecule in its center.
atoms : Atoms object
See https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ase/atoms.html for details
.. Note::
ASE has to be in the PYTHONPATH
from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import Bohr
atoms = Atoms("".join(self.geo_info[:,0]),
if bbox is not None:
if len(bbox) != 6:
raise ValueError("bbox has to have 6 elements")
bbox = numpy.array(bbox)
atoms.cell = numpy.eye(3) * (bbox[1::2] - bbox[::2])*Bohr
return atoms
# Synonym
atoms = get_ase_atoms
[docs] def view(self,select=slice(None,None,None),bbox=None,**kwargs):
'''Opens ase-gui with the atoms of the QCinfo class.
(cf. https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/ase/visualize/visualize.html )
select : slice or (array of int), default: all atoms
Specifies the atoms to be shown.
bbox : list of floats (bbox=[xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,zmin,zmax]), optional
If not None, sets the unit cell to the grid boundaries and moves the
molecule in its center.
.. Note::
ASE has to be in the PYTHONPATH
from ase import visualize
[docs]class CIinfo:
'''Class managing all information from the from the output
files of quantum chemical software for CI calculations.
The CI related features are in ongoing development.
def __init__(self,method='ci'):
self.method = method
self.info = None
self.coeffs = []
self.occ = []
self.moocc = None
def __str__(self):
string = '%s' % self.method.upper()
if self.info is not None:
string += ' State %(state)s' % self.info
if 'spin' in self.info.keys() and self.info['spin'] != 'Unknown':
string += ' (%(spin)s)' % self.info
if numpy.shape(self.coeffs) != (0,):
string += ':\tNorm = %0.8f (%d Coefficients)' %(self.get_norm(),
return string
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__
except ValueError:
return False
def get_norm(self):
return sum(self.coeffs**2)
def renormalize(self):
self.coeffs /= self.get_norm()
def apply_threshold(self,threshold,keep_length=False):
i = numpy.abs(self.coeffs) > threshold
if keep_length:
self.coeffs[numpy.invert(i)] = 0.0
self.coeffs = self.coeffs[i]
self.occ = self.occ[i]
def copy(self):
ciinfo = self.__class__(method=self.method)
if self.coeffs != []:
ciinfo.coeffs = numpy.copy(self.coeffs)
if self.occ != []:
ciinfo.occ = numpy.copy(self.occ)
if self.info is not None:
ciinfo.info = self.info.copy()
if self.moocc is not None:
ciinfo.moocc = self.moocc.copy()
return ciinfo
def todict(self):
return self.__dict__
def get_moocc(self):
if self.moocc is None:
raise ValueError('ci.set_moocc(qc) has to be called first! (ci.moocc is not initialized)')
return self.moocc
def set_moocc(self,moocc):
assert (moocc.dtype == numpy.intc), 'moocc has to be numpy.intc'
self.moocc = moocc
def hdf5_save(self,fid='out.h5',group='/ci:0',mode='w'):
from orbkit.output import hdf5_open,hdf5_append
from copy import copy
for hdf5_file in hdf5_open(fid,mode=mode):
dct = copy(self.todict())
dct['info'] = numpy.array(dct['info'].items(),dtype=str)
def hdf5_read(self,fid='out.h5',group='/ci:0'):
from orbkit.output import hdf5_open,hdf52dict
for hdf5_file in hdf5_open(fid,mode='r'):
for key in self.__dict__.keys():
self.__dict__[key] = hdf52dict('%s/%s' % (group,key),hdf5_file)
except KeyError:
self.__dict__[key] = hdf5_file['%s' % group].attrs[key]
self.__dict__['info'] = dict(self.__dict__['info'])
[docs]def read_nist():
'''Reads and converts the atomic masses from the "Linearized ASCII Output",
see http://physics.nist.gov.
global nist_mass
f = open(nist_file,'r')
flines = f.readlines()
nist_mass = []
index = None
new = True
def rm_brackets(text,rm=['(',')','[',']']):
for i in rm:
text = text.replace(i,'')
return text
for line in flines:
thisline = line.split()
if 'Atomic Number =' in line:
i = int(thisline[-1]) - 1
new = (i != index)
if new:
index = i
elif 'Atomic Symbol =' in line and new:
nist_mass[index][0] = thisline[-1]
elif 'Standard Atomic Weight =' in line and new:
nist_mass[index][1] = float(rm_brackets(thisline[-1]))
[docs]def standard_mass(atom):
'''Returns the standard atomic mass of a given atom.
atom : int or str
Contains the name or atomic number of the atom.
mass : float
Contains the atomic mass in atomic units.
if nist_mass is None:
atom = int(atom) - 1
return nist_mass[atom][1] * u_to_me
except ValueError:
return dict(nist_mass)[atom.title()] * u_to_me
[docs]def get_atom_symbol(atom):
'''Returns the atomic symbol of a given atom.
atom : int or str
Contains the atomic number of the atom.
symbol : str
Contains the atomic symbol.
if nist_mass is None:
atom = int(atom) - 1
return nist_mass[atom][0]
except ValueError:
return atom.upper()
def dump(data,fid):
import cPickle
with open(fid, "wb") as output:
def load(fid,**kwargs):
import cPickle
with open(fid, "rb") as input:
data = cPickle.load(input)
return data