Source code for orbkit.output

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module for creating the requested output files.
Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, and Axel Schild

Institut fuer Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universitaet Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany

This file is part of orbkit.

orbkit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
the License, or any later version.

orbkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
License along with orbkit.  If not, see <>.

# Import general modules
import numpy
import h5py

# Import orbkit modules
from orbkit import grid, options
from orbkit.display import display

[docs]def main_output(data,geo_info,geo_spec,outputname='new',otype='h5', drv=None,omit=[],**kwargs): '''Creates the requested output. **Parameters:** data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N or shape=((NDRV,) + N) Contains the output data. The shape (N) depends on the grid and the data, i.e., 3d for regular grid, 1d for vector grid. geo_info, geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. outputname : str Contains the base name of the output file. otype : str or list of str Contains the output file type. Possible options: 'h5', 'cb', 'am', 'hx', 'vmd', 'mayavi' drv : None or list of str, optional If not None, a 4d(regular)/2d(vector) input data array will be expected with NDRV = len(drv). omit : list of str, optional If not empty, the input file types specified here are omitted. **Note:** All additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the output functions. ''' print_waring = False output_written = [] if isinstance(otype,str): otype = [otype] if 'vmd' in otype and not 'cb' in otype: otype.append('cb') otype = [i for i in otype if i not in omit] if otype is None or otype == []: return output_written # Convert the data to a regular grid, if possible output_not_possible = (grid.is_vector and not grid.is_regular) is_regular_vector = (grid.is_vector and grid.is_regular) if is_regular_vector: display('\nConverting the regular 1d vector grid to a 3d regular grid.') grid.vector2grid(*grid.N_) data = grid.mv2g(data=data) if 'mayavi' in otype: if output_not_possible: print_waring = True else: view_with_mayavi(grid.x,grid.y,grid.z,data,geo_spec=geo_spec,**kwargs) if drv is not None: fid = '%(f)s_d%(d)s' it = enumerate(drv) else: fid = '%(f)s' it = [(0,None)] data = [data] f = {'f': outputname} for i,j in it: f['d'] = j d = data[i] if 'h5' in otype: display('\nSaving to Hierarchical Data Format file (HDF5)...' + '\n\t%(o)s.h5' % {'o': fid % f}) HDF5_creator(d,(fid % f),geo_info,geo_spec,**kwargs) output_written.append('%s.h5' % (fid % f)) if 'am' in otype or 'hx' in otype and not print_waring: if output_not_possible: print_waring = True else: display('\nSaving to ZIBAmiraMesh file...' + '\n\t%(o)' % {'o': fid % f}) amira_creator(d,(fid % f)) output_written.append('' % (fid % f)) if 'hx' in otype and not print_waring: if output_not_possible: print_waring = True else: # Create Amira network incl. Alphamap display('\nCreating ZIBAmira network file...') hx_network_creator(data,(fid % f)) output_written.append('%s.hx' % (fid % f)) if 'cb' in otype or 'vmd' in otype and not print_waring: if output_not_possible: print_waring = True else: display('\nSaving to .cb file...' + '\n\t%(o)s.cb' % {'o': fid % f}) cube_creator(d,(fid % f),geo_info,geo_spec,**kwargs) output_written.append('%s.cb' % (fid % f)) #else: output_creator(d,(fid % f),geo_info,geo_spec) # Axel's cube files if 'vmd' in otype and not print_waring: if output_not_possible: print_waring = True else: # Create VMD network display('\nCreating VMD network file...' + '\n\t%(o)s.vmd' % {'o': fid % f}) vmd_network_creator((fid % f),cube_files=['%s.cb' % (fid % f)],**kwargs) output_written.append('%s.vmd' % (fid % f)) if print_waring: display('For a non-regular vector grid (`if grid.is_vector and not grid.is_regular`)') display('only HDF5 is available as output format...') display('Skipping all other formats...') if is_regular_vector: # Convert the data back to a regular vector grid grid.grid2vector() return output_written
[docs]def cube_creator(rho,filename,geo_info,geo_spec,comments='',**kwargs): '''Creates a plain text Gaussian cube file. **Parameters:** rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=N Contains the output data. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. geo_info, geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. comments : str, optional Specifies the second (comment) line of the cube file. ''' AssertionError (rho.shape != tuple(grid.N_)), 'The grid does not fit the data.' # Open an empty file fid = open('%(f)s.cb' % {'f': filename}, 'w') # Write the type and the position of the atoms in the header string = 'orbkit calculation\n' string += ' %(f)s\n' % {'f': comments} # How many atoms string += ('%(at)d' % {'at': len(geo_info)}).rjust(5) # Minima for ii in range(3): string += ('%(min)0.6f' % {'min': grid.min_[ii]}).rjust(12) for ii in range(3): string += '\n' string += ('%(N)d' % {'N': grid.N_[ii]}).rjust(5) for jj in range(3): if jj == ii: string += ('%(dr)0.6f' % {'dr': grid.delta_[ii]}).rjust(12) else: string += ('%(dr)0.6f' % {'dr': 0}).rjust(12) for ii in range(len(geo_info)): string += '\n' string += ('%(N)d' % {'N': round(float(geo_info[ii][2]))}).rjust(5) string += ('%(ch)0.6f' % {'ch': float(geo_info[ii][1])}).rjust(12) for jj in range(3): string += ('%(r)0.6f' % {'r': geo_spec[ii][jj]}).rjust(12) string += '\n' for rr in range(len(grid.x)): for ss in range(len(grid.y)): for tt in range(len(grid.z)): string += ('%(rho).5E' % {'rho': rho[rr,ss,tt]}).rjust(13) if (tt % 6 == 5): string += '\n' string += '\n' fid.write(string) # Close the file fid.close()
def vmd_network_creator(filename,cube_files=None,render=False,iso=(-0.01,0.01), abspath=False,**kwargs): '''Creates a VMD script file from a list of cube files provided. **Parameters:** filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. cube_files : None or list of str Specifies the cube files which serve as input for the VMD script. If None, searches the directory for '.cb' and '.cube' files. render : bool If True, the VMD script will automatically create '.tga' files for each cube file. iso : tuple Specifies the isovalue for the blue and the red isosurface, respectively. abspath : bool If True, the paths of the cube files will be expanded to absolute file paths. ''' from os import path,listdir import linecache from orbkit import vmd_network_draft if cube_files is None: display('No list of cube (.cb or .cube) filenames provided. Checking the directory' + ' of the outputfile...') cube_files = [] for fid in listdir(path.dirname(filename)): if fid.endswith('.cb') or fid.endswith('.cube'): cube_files.append(fid) if cube_files == []: raise IOError('Could not find valid cube files in %s' % path.dirname(filename)) elif isinstance(cube_files,str): cube_files = [cube_files] elif not isinstance(cube_files,list): raise IOError('`cube_files` has to be a list of strings.') title = [] mo = '' for i,f in enumerate(cube_files): title = linecache.getline(f,2) if title.split() == []: title = path.splitext(path.basename(f))[0] else: title = title.replace('\n','').replace(' ','') linecache.clearcache() pid = path.abspath(f) if abspath else path.relpath(f,path.dirname(filename)) mo += vmd_network_draft.mo_string % { 'c': i, 'n1': pid, 'n2': title, 'isored': iso[0], 'isoblue': iso[1], 'render': '' if render else '#' } f = open('%(f)s.vmd' % {'f': filename},'w') f.write(vmd_network_draft.vmd_string % {'mo':mo}) f.close() def hdf5_open(fid,mode='w'): '''Open an HDF5 file. **Parameters:** fid : str Contains the filename of the HDF5 file. mode : str, optional Specifies the mode used to open the file. ('r', 'w', 'a') **Usage:** for HDF5_file in hdf5_open(fid,mode='w'): # Do something with HDF5_file... ''' import h5py HDF5_file = h5py.File(fid, mode) try: yield HDF5_file finally: HDF5_file.close() def hdf5_append(x,group,name='data'): '''Automatically append data to an open HDF5 file/group. **Parameters:** s : numpy.ndarray, list, dict, int, float, str Input data. Not supported: None group : h5py.File or h5py.Group The HDF5 file/group where the data will be appended. name : string, optional Specifies the group/dataset name in the HDF5 file/group. If empty, root directory of HDF5 file/group is chosen. ''' if isinstance(x,numpy.ndarray): if x.dtype.type is numpy.unicode_: x = numpy.asarray(x,dtype=numpy.string_) h5_dset = group.create_dataset(name,numpy.shape(x),data=x) elif isinstance(x,list): if name != '': subgroup = group.create_group(name) else: subgroup = group num = len(x) subgroup.attrs['num'] = num keys = range(num) for ii in keys: hdf5_append(x[ii],subgroup,name='%d' % ii) elif isinstance(x,dict): if name != '': subgroup = group.create_group(name) else: subgroup = group keys = x.keys() for ii in keys: hdf5_append(x[ii],subgroup,name=ii) else: group.attrs[name] = x def hdf52dict(group,HDF5_file): '''Automatically convert the data stored in an HDF5 file/group to a python dictionary. **Parameters:** group : str Specifies the group/dataset name in the HDF5 file/group. HDF5_file : h5py.File or h5py.Group The source HDF5 file/group. ''' try: # The selected group is a dataset x = HDF5_file['%s' % group][()] except: # Read all members members = list(HDF5_file['%(g)s' % {'g':group}]) try: members = numpy.array(members, dtype = numpy.int64) x = [] for mm in numpy.sort(members): x.append(hdf52dict('%(g)s/%(m)s' % {'g':group, 'm': mm},HDF5_file)) except (ValueError,OverflowError): x = {} for mm in members: x[mm] = hdf52dict('%(g)s/%(m)s' % {'g':group, 'm': mm},HDF5_file) attrs = HDF5_file['%(g)s' % {'g':group}].attrs for ii_a in attrs: x[ii_a] = attrs[ii_a] return x def hdf5_write(fid,mode='w',gname='',**kwargs): '''Writes all keyword arguments to an HDF5 file. **Parameters:** fid : str Contains the filename of the HDF5 file. mode : str, optional Specifies the mode used to open the file. ('r', 'w', 'a') gname : str Specifies the group name in the HDF5 file, where the kwargs will be appended to. **Note:** All additional keyword arguments specify the input data. ''' for f in hdf5_open(fid,mode=mode): if gname is not '': group = f.create_group(gname) for i,j in kwargs.items(): group.create_dataset(i,numpy.shape(j),data=j) else: for i,j in kwargs.items(): f.create_dataset(i,numpy.shape(j),data=j)
[docs]def HDF5_creator(data,filename,geo_info,geo_spec,mode='w',data_id='rho',group=None, data_only=False,ao_spec=None,mo_spec=None,is_mo_output=False, x=None,y=None,z=None,**kwargs): '''Creates an HDF5 file (Hierarchical Data Format) output. **Parameters:** data : numpy.ndarray Contains the output data. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. geo_info, geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. data_id : str, optional Specifies name of the dataset in the HDF5 file. group : None of str If not None, output data will be stored in this group. data_only : bool Specifies if only the dataset `data` should be saved. ao_spec, mo_spec : optional If not None, these data sets will be saved additionally. (cf. :ref:`Central Variables` for details) If mo_spec is not None, some information about the molecular orbitals will be saved additionally. is_mo_output : bool If True, information about the dataset will be saved to 'MO:Content'. x,y,z : numpy.ndarray, optional If not None, these variables will replace grid.x, grid.y, and/or grid.z, respectively. ''' import h5py HDF5_file = h5py.File('%s.h5' % filename, mode) if group is None: f = HDF5_file else: HDF5_file.require_group(group) f = HDF5_file[group] if is_mo_output: mo_name = [] for i,j in enumerate(data): try: mo_name.append(mo_spec[i]['sym']) except TypeError: mo_name.append(str(i)) dset = f.create_dataset('MO:Content',data=numpy.array(mo_name,dtype='S')) if options.z_reduced_density: dset = f.create_dataset(data_id,numpy.shape(data),data=data) else: dset = f.create_dataset(data_id,numpy.shape(data),data=data) if data_only: HDF5_file.close() return if x is None: x = grid.x if y is None: y = grid.y if z is None: z = grid.z if options.z_reduced_density: dset = f.create_dataset('z',(1,len(z)),data=z) else: dset = f.create_dataset('x',(1,len(x)),data=x) dset = f.create_dataset('y',(1,len(y)),data=y) dset = f.create_dataset('z',(1,len(z)),data=z) if ao_spec is not None: hdf5_append(ao_spec,f,name='ao_spec') if mo_spec is not None: hdf5_append(mo_spec,f,name='mo_spec') if mo_spec is not None: MO_info = f.create_group('MO_info') occ_num=[] energy=[] sym=[] for ii in range(len(mo_spec)): occ_num.append(mo_spec[ii]['occ_num']) energy.append(mo_spec[ii]['energy']) sym.append(numpy.string_(mo_spec[ii]['sym'])) dset = MO_info.create_dataset('occ_num',((1,len(mo_spec))),data=occ_num) dset = MO_info.create_dataset('energy',((1,len(mo_spec))),data=energy) dset = MO_info.create_dataset('sym',((1,len(mo_spec))),data=sym) dset = f.create_dataset('geo_info',(numpy.shape(geo_info)),data=numpy.array(geo_info,dtype='S')) dset = f.create_dataset('geo_spec',(numpy.shape(geo_spec)),data=geo_spec) HDF5_file.close()
[docs]def hx_network_creator(rho,filename): '''Creates a ZIBAmira hx-network file including a colormap file (.cmap) adjusted to the density for the easy depiction of the density. ''' from orbkit.hx_network_draft import hx_network # Create a .cmap colormap file using the default values display('\tCreating ZIBAmira colormap file...\n\t\t%(f)s.cmap' % {'f': filename}) AssertionError (rho.shape != tuple(grid.N_)), 'The grid does not fit the data.' colormap_creator(rho,filename) # Create a .hx network file based on the file display('\tCreating ZIBAmira network file...\n\t\t%(f)s.hx' % {'f': filename}) # Open an empty file fid = open('%(f)s.hx' % {'f': filename},'w') filename = filename.split('/')[-1] # Copy the content of the draft file and replace the keywords fid.write(hx_network.replace("FILENAME",filename)) # Close the file fid.close()
[docs]def amira_creator(data,filename): '''Creates a ZIBAmira mesh file. (plain text) **Parameters:** data : numpy.ndarray, shape=N or (3,)+N Contains the output data. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. ''' if data.ndim == 3: typename = 'double' formatter = '{0:.15e}\n' data = numpy.swapaxes(data,0,2).reshape((-1,1)) #ravel(order='F')[:,numpy.newaxis] elif data.ndim == 4: typename = 'double[3]' data = numpy.array([j.ravel(order='F') for j in data]) formatter = '{0:.15e} {1:.15e} {2:.15e}\n' else: raise IOError("amira_creator only supports 3D or 4D data.") N = tuple(grid.N_) # Open an empty file fid = open('' % filename,'w') # Write Header fid.write('# AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0\n\n\n') fid.write('define Lattice %d %d %d\n' % N) fid.write('Parameters {\n') fid.write(' Content "%dx%dx%d %s, uniform coordinates",\n' % (N + (typename,))) fid.write(' BoundingBox %(xmin)f %(xmax)f %(ymin)f %(ymax)f %(zmin)f %(zmax)f,\n' % {'xmin': grid.min_[0],'xmax': grid.max_[0], 'ymin': grid.min_[1],'ymax': grid.max_[1], 'zmin': grid.min_[2],'zmax': grid.max_[2]}) fid.write(' CoordType "uniform"\n}\n\n') fid.write('Lattice { %s Data } @1\n'%typename) fid.write('# Data section follows\n@1\n') for i in data: fid.write(formatter.format(*i)) #for tt in range(len(grid.z)): #for ss in range(len(grid.y)): #for rr in range(len(grid.x)): #string += '%g\n' % rho[rr,ss,tt] fid.close()
def amira_creator_old(rho,filename): '''Creates a ZIBAmira mesh file. (plain text) **Parameters:** rho : numpy.ndarray, shape=N Contains the output data. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. ''' # Open an empty file fid = open('%(f)' % {'f': filename},'w') # usage: # - open Amira # - left-click File -> Open Data # - choose the # - Press OK # - right-click on the new Data Object -> Compute -> Arithmetic # - choose the Arithmetic object # - select Expr -> A and Result type -> regular and Apply # - use the new data object to display your density as usual, # Write Header fid.write('# AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0\n\n\n') fid.write('define Lattice %(Nx)d %(Ny)d %(Nz)d\n' % {'Nx': grid.N_[0],'Ny': grid.N_[1],'Nz': grid.N_[2]}) fid.write('define Coordinates %(N)d\n\n' % {'N': numpy.sum(grid.N_)}) fid.write('Parameters {\n') fid.write(' Content "%(Nx)dx%(Ny)dx%(Nz)d float, uniform coordinates",\n' % {'Nx': grid.N_[0],'Ny': grid.N_[1],'Nz': grid.N_[2]}) fid.write(' BoundingBox %(xmin)f %(xmax)f %(ymin)f %(ymax)f %(zmin)f %(zmax)f,\n' % {'xmin': grid.min_[0],'xmax': grid.max_[0], 'ymin': grid.min_[1],'ymax': grid.max_[1], 'zmin': grid.min_[2],'zmax': grid.max_[2]}) fid.write(' CoordType "uniform"\n}\n\n') fid.write('Lattice { float Data } @1\n') fid.write('# Data section follows\n@1\n') # Write density information to .am file string = '' for tt in range(len(grid.z)): for ss in range(len(grid.y)): for rr in range(len(grid.x)): string += '%g\n' % rho[rr,ss,tt] fid.write(string) # Close the file fid.close() def colormap_creator(rho,filename,n_peaks=5,start=0.01,stop=0.999,peak_width=0.1): '''Creates a .cmap colormap for ZIBAmira adjusted to the density. **Default:** Isosurface values between 1% and 99.9% of the total density. ''' # Where do we have the start and stop percentage? rho_min, rho_max = determine_rho_range(rho,start=start,stop=stop) # Compute the distance between two isosurface values delta_peak =(rho_max-rho_min)/(n_peaks-1) # Open a cmap file fid = open('%(f)s.cmap' % {'f': filename}, 'w') # Write the header fid.write('<!DOCTYPE Colormap>\n') fid.write('<ColormapVisage2.0 Name="%(f)s">\n' % {'f': filename}) fid.write(' <Graph Active="1" Type="0" Name="">\n') # Initialize a counter for the contour values counter = 0 # Initialize a string for the contours c_str = (' <Control Opacity="%(o)f" Number="%(c)d" Blue="%(v)f"' + ' Red="%(v)f" Green="%(v)f" Value="%(p)f"/>\n' ) # Write the initial value at zero with zero opacity fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'v': 0, 'p': 0}) counter += 1 # Loop over the contour values for ii in range(n_peaks): # Calculate the value for the isosurface peak and two values # next to the peak with zero opacity peak = rho_min+delta_peak*(ii+1) peak_minus = peak * (1 - peak_width/2.) peak_plus = peak * (1 + peak_width/2.) # Calculate a value for the opacity and the color value = 1-(float(ii+1)/(n_peaks+1)*0.9) # Write the peak # Left edge of the peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'v': value, 'p': peak_minus}) counter += 1 # The peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 1-value, 'c': counter, 'v': value, 'p': peak}) counter += 1 # Right edge of the peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'v': value, 'p': peak_plus}) counter += 1 # Write a final value at 1.5 * (final peak value) with zero opacity fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'v': 0, 'p': peak_plus*1.5}) # Finalize the file fid.write(' </Graph>\n') fid.write('</ColormapVisage2.0>') # Close the file fid.close() def determine_rho_range(rho,start=0.01,stop=0.999): '''Get a range for the isosurface values for the colormap_creator.''' # Sort the density values a=numpy.reshape(rho,-1) a=a[numpy.argsort(a)] # Where do we have the start and stop percentage? n1=int(start*len(a)) n2=int(stop*len(a)) rho_min=a[n1] rho_max=a[n2] return rho_min, rho_max def colormap_creator_peaks(filename,peaks,peak_width=0.02,peak_minus=None, peak_plus=None,alpha=0.2,rgb=0.2): '''Creates a ZIBAmira colomap for selected data values. **Parameters:** filename : str Specifies the filename of the colormap. peaks : list Determines the values for peaks in the colormap. peak_width : float Specifies the width of of the peaks in the colormap. peak_min : None or float, optional Specifies the lower boundary of the colomap. (Peak with no hight.) If None, is set to the smallest data value minus 2*peak_width. peak_min : None or float, optional Specifies the upper boundary of the colomap. (Peak with no hight.) If None, is set to the larges data value plus 2*peak_width. alpha : float, data_range={0..1} Determines the opacity of the peak. (alpha = 1 - opacity) rgb : float or list or numpy.ndarray, data_range={0..1} If float or shape=(len(peaks),), specifies a the grey tone. Else, specifies the color in [red,green,blue]. ''' peaks = numpy.sort(peaks) if peak_minus is None: peak_minus = peaks[0]-(2*peak_width) if peak_plus is None: peak_plus = peaks[-1]+(2*peak_width) if isinstance(rgb,(float,int)): rgb = numpy.zeros((len(peaks),3)) + rgb else: rgb = numpy.array(rgb, dtype=float) if rgb.ndim == 1: if len(rgb) == 3: rgb = numpy.zeros((len(peaks),3)) + rgb[numpy.newaxis,:] elif len(rgb) == len(peaks): rgb = numpy.zeros((len(peaks),3)) + rgb[:,numpy.newaxis] else: raise ValueError("Wrong shape of 'rgb'") elif not (rgb.ndim == 2 and rgb.shape == (len(peaks),3)): raise ValueError("Wrong shape of 'rgb'") # Open a cmap file fid = open('%(f)s.cmap' % {'f': filename}, 'w') # Write the header fid.write('<!DOCTYPE Colormap>\n') fid.write('<ColormapVisage2.0 Name="%(f)s">\n' % {'f': filename}) fid.write(' <Graph Active="1" Type="0" Name="">\n') # Initialize a counter for the contour values counter = 0 # Initialize a string for the contours c_str = (' <Control Opacity="%(o)f" Number="%(c)d" Blue="%(b)f"' + ' Red="%(r)f" Green="%(g)f" Value="%(p)f"/>\n' ) # Write the initial value at zero with zero opacity fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0, 'p': peak_minus}) counter += 1 for i,p in enumerate(peaks): # Write the peak # Left edge of the peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'p': p-peak_width/2., 'r': rgb[i,0], 'g': rgb[i,1], 'b': rgb[i,2]}) counter += 1 # The peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 1-alpha, 'c': counter, 'p': p, 'r': rgb[i,0], 'g': rgb[i,1], 'b': rgb[i,2]}) counter += 1 # Right edge of the peak fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'p': p+peak_width/2., 'r': rgb[i,0], 'g': rgb[i,1], 'b': rgb[i,2]}) counter += 1 # Write a final value at 1.5 * (final peak value) with zero opacity fid.write(c_str % {'o': 0, 'c': counter, 'r': 0, 'g': 0, 'b': 0, 'p': peak_plus}) # Finalize the file fid.write(' </Graph>\n') fid.write('</ColormapVisage2.0>') # Close the file fid.close() def meshgrid2(*arrs): '''adapted from: ''' arrs = tuple(reversed(arrs)) lens = map(len, arrs) dim = len(arrs) sz = 1 for s in lens: sz*=s ans = [] for i, arr in enumerate(arrs): slc = [1]*dim slc[i] = lens[i] arr2 = numpy.asarray(arr).reshape(slc) for j, sz in enumerate(lens): if j!=i: arr2 = arr2.repeat(sz, axis=j) ans.append(arr2) return tuple(ans[::-1]) def view_with_mayavi(x,y,z,data,is_vectorfield=False,geo_spec=None,datalabels=None, iso_min=1e-4,iso_val=0.01,iso_max=10.0): ''' Creates an interactive mayavi dialog showing isosurface plots of the input data. Components adapted from: **Parameters:** x,y,z : numpy.ndarray, 1-dim Contains the grid. data : numpy.ndarray, shape=(len(x), len(y),len(z)) or shape=(N, len(x), len(y),len(z)) Contains the output data. geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. If not None, the atom positions will be drawn additionally. datalabels : None or list of str Contains information about the plotted data with len(datalabels) == len(data). ''' try: from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Range, Instance, on_trait_change, Bool, Str,List,Button from enthought.traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, ListStrEditor,HSplit,VSplit except ImportError: from traits.api import HasTraits, Range, Instance, on_trait_change, Bool, Str,List,Button from traitsui.api import View, Item, Group, ListStrEditor,HSplit,VSplit try: from enthought.mayavi import mlab from enthought.mayavi.core.api import PipelineBase from enthought.mayavi.core.ui.api import MayaviScene, SceneEditor, MlabSceneModel except ImportError: from mayavi import mlab from mayavi.core.api import PipelineBase from mayavi.core.ui.api import MayaviScene, SceneEditor, MlabSceneModel from copy import deepcopy data = numpy.array(data) if data.ndim == 3: data = data[numpy.newaxis] elif is_vectorfield and data.ndim == 4: data = data[numpy.newaxis] if datalabels is not None and len(datalabels) != len(data): raise ValueError('`datalabels` has to be a list of strings with the same' + 'length as `data`.') if datalabels is not None: datalabels = ['%03d: %s' % (i,j) for i,j in enumerate(datalabels)] Z,Y,X = meshgrid2(z,y,x) class MyModel(HasTraits): select = Range(0, len(data)-1, 0) last_select = deepcopy(select) iso_value = Range(iso_min, iso_max, iso_val,mode='logslider') opacity = Range(0, 1.0, 1.0) show_atoms = Bool(True) label = Str() available = List(Str) available = datalabels prev_button = Button('Previous') next_button = Button('Next') scene = Instance(MlabSceneModel, ()) plot_atoms = Instance(PipelineBase) plot0 = Instance(PipelineBase) # When the scene is activated, or when the parameters are changed, we # update the plot. @on_trait_change('select,iso_value,show_atoms,opacity,label,scene.activated') def update_plot(self): if self.plot0 is None: if not is_vectorfield: src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(X,Y,Z,data[]) self.plot0 = self.scene.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface( src, contours= [-self.iso_value,self.iso_value], opacity=self.opacity,colormap='blue-red', vmin=-1e-8,vmax=1e-8) else: self.plot0 = self.scene.mlab.quiver3d(X,Y,Z,*data[]) #flow self.plot0.scene.background = (1,1,1) elif != self.last_select: if not is_vectorfield: self.plot0.mlab_source.set(scalars=data[]) else: self.plot0.mlab_source.set(vectors=data[].reshape((3,-1)).T) if not is_vectorfield: self.plot0.contour.contours = [-self.iso_value,self.iso_value] = self.opacity self.last_select = deepcopy( if datalabels is not None: self.label = datalabels[] if geo_spec is not None: if self.plot_atoms is None: self.plot_atoms = self.scene.mlab.points3d( geo_spec[:,0],geo_spec[:,1],geo_spec[:,2], scale_factor=0.75,resolution=20) self.plot_atoms.visible = self.show_atoms def _prev_button_fired(self): if > 0: -= 1 def _next_button_fired(self): if < len(data)-1: += 1 # The layout of the dialog created items = (Item('scene', editor=SceneEditor(scene_class=MayaviScene), height=400, width=600, show_label=False),) items0 = () if len(data) > 1: items0 += (Group('select', HSplit(Item('prev_button', show_label=False), Item('next_button', show_label=False) )),) items0 += (Group('iso_value', 'opacity','show_atoms' ),) if datalabels is not None: if len(datalabels) > 1: items1 = (Item('available', editor=ListStrEditor(title='Available Data',editable=False), show_label=False,style='readonly',width=300 ),) items0 = HSplit(items0,items1) items += (Group(Item('label',label='Selected Data',style='readonly', show_label=True),'_'), items0,) else: items += items0 view = View(VSplit(items[0],items[1:]), resizable=True ) my_model = MyModel() my_model.configure_traits() def pdb_creator(geo_info,geo_spec,filename='new',charges=None,comments='', angstrom=True): '''Creates a plain text file with information concerning the molecular structure in Protein Data Bank (PDB) format. **Parameters:** geo_info, geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. charges : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Natoms,), optional Contains a partial charge for each atom. comments : str, optional Specifies the second (comment) line of the pdb file. angstrom : bool, optional If True, conversion of molecular coordinates from Bohr radii to Angstrom. ''' # Conversion factor form Angstrom in Bohr radii aa_to_au = 1/0.52917720859 if angstrom else 1. # Check for charges if charges is None: charges = numpy.zeros(len(geo_spec)) # Open an empty file fid = open('%(f)s.pdb' % {'f': filename},'w') # Write HEADER, TITLE and AUTHOR fid.write('HEADER\n') fid.write('TITLE %s\n' % comments) fid.write('AUTHOR orbkit\n') # Write ATOM records string = '' for il in range(len(geo_spec)): string = 'ATOM %s' % (il+1) while len(string) < 13: string += ' ' string += '%s' % (geo_info[il][0]) while len(string) < 17: string += ' ' xyz = geo_spec[il]/aa_to_au string += ' %s %s %s ' % (('%.9f' % xyz[0])[:7], ('%.9f' % xyz[1])[:7], ('%.9f' % xyz[2])[:7]) string += '%s ' % (('%.9f' % charges[il])[:6]) fid.write(str(string) + '\n') # Write MASTER and END line fid.write('MASTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' + '%s 0 0 0\nEND' % ('%s'.rjust(4) % len(geo_spec))) # Close the file fid.close() def xyz_creator(geo_info,geo_spec,filename='new',mode='w',charges=None,comments='', angstrom=True): '''Creates a xyz file containing the molecular coordinates. **Parameters:** geo_info, geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. filename : str Contains the base name of the output file. charges : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Natoms,), optional Contains a partial charge for each atom. comments : str, optional Specifies the second (comment) line of the xyz file. angstrom : bool, optional If True, conversion of molecular coordinates from Bohr radii to Angstrom. ''' # Conversion factor form Angstrom in Bohr radii aa_to_au = 1/0.52917720859 if angstrom else 1. # Open an empty file fid = open('' % filename,mode) # Write number of atoms and a comment line fid.write('%d\n%s\n' % (len(geo_spec),comments)) # Write Cartesian coordinates of molecular structure string = '' for il in range(len(geo_spec)): string += '%-2s' % geo_info[il][0] for i in range(3): string += ' %22.15f' % (geo_spec[il][i]/aa_to_au) if charges is not None: string += ' %22.15f' % charges[il] string += '\n' fid.write(string) # Close the file fid.close()