Source code for orbkit.multiple_files

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module for processing multiple output files of quantum chemical software.


  - Read a list of files
  - Order the molecular orbital coefficients by using analytical integrals,
    by extrapolation, or by hand (e.g. for the preparation of an interpolation)
  - Save and read the information obtained to and from an HDF5-file
  - Depiction of molecular orbitals

Example for the Execution::

  # Create a list of input filenames
  fid_list = []
  for i in range(101):
    fid_list.append('~/molden_files/%03d.molden' % i)

  init_display(name = 'MO_ordering')  # Specify a filename for the oklog file 
                                      # (We want a oklog file but we have no 
                                      # options.outputname here.)

  # Start reading and ordering routine.

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy
from time import time

from import main_read
from orbkit.display import display,init_display
from orbkit.analytical_integrals import get_ao_overlap, get_mo_overlap_matrix

geo_spec_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular geometries, i.e., :literal:`geo_spec`. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.)
geo_info      = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
ao_spec       = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
ao_spherical  = [] #: See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.
mo_coeff_all  = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital coefficients. List of numpy.ndarray
mo_energy_all = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital energies. List of numpy.ndarray
mo_occ_all    = [] #: Contains all molecular orbital occupations. List of numpy.ndarray
sym           = [] #: Python dictionary containing the molecular orbital symmetries and the corresponding position in mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, and mo_occ_all, respectively.
index_list    = [] #: After the execution of the ordering routine, it contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the molecular orbital changes its sign. shape=(Nfiles,NMO)

geo_spec_tck  = []
mo_coeff_tck  = []
mo_energy_tck = []
mo_occ_tck    = []

[docs]def read(fid_list,itype='molden',all_mo=True,nosym=False,**kwargs_all): '''Reads a list of input files. **Parameters:** fid_list : list of str List of input file names. itype : str, choices={'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'} Specifies the type of the input files. **Global Variables:** geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym ''' global geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym geo_spec_all = [] MO_Spec = [] mo_coeff_all = [] mo_energy_all = [] mo_occ_all = [] # geo_info and ao_info have to stay unchanged geo_old = [] ao_old = [] sym_list = {} n_ao = {} n_r = len(fid_list) for i,filename in enumerate(fid_list): kwargs = kwargs_all['kwargs'][i] if 'kwargs' in kwargs_all.keys() else kwargs_all qc = main_read(filename, itype=itype, all_mo=all_mo,interactive=False,**kwargs) # Geo Section if i > 0 and (geo_old != qc.geo_info).sum(): raise IOError('qc.geo_info has changed!') else: geo_old = deepcopy(qc.geo_info) geo_spec_all.append(qc.geo_spec) # AO Section if (i > 0 and not numpy.alltrue([numpy.allclose(ao_old[j]['coeffs'],qc.ao_spec[j]['coeffs']) for j in range(len(ao_old))] )): raise IOError('qc.ao_spec has changed!') else: ao_old = deepcopy(qc.ao_spec) # MO Section sym = {} MO_Spec.append(qc.mo_spec) for i,mo in enumerate(qc.mo_spec): if nosym: qc.mo_spec[i]['sym'] = '%d.1' % (i+1) key = mo['sym'].split('.') if key[1] not in sym.keys(): sym[key[1]] = 0 n_ao[key[1]] = len(qc.mo_spec[0]['coeffs']) sym[key[1]] += 1 for k,it in sym.items(): if k in sym_list: sym_list[k] = max(sym_list[k],it) else: sym_list[k] = it geo_spec_all = numpy.array(geo_spec_all) geo_info = qc.geo_info ao_spec = qc.ao_spec ao_spherical = qc.ao_spherical # Presorting of the MOs according to their symmetry sym = [] for k,it in sym_list.items(): sym.append((k,len(sym))) mo_coeff_all.append(numpy.zeros((n_r,it,n_ao[k]))) mo_energy_all.append(numpy.zeros((n_r,it))) mo_occ_all.append(numpy.zeros((n_r,it))) sym = dict(sym) for i,spec in enumerate(MO_Spec): for j,mo in enumerate(spec): index,k = mo['sym'].split('.') index = int(index)-1 mo_coeff_all[sym[k]][i,index,:] = mo['coeffs'] mo_energy_all[sym[k]][i,index] = mo['energy'] mo_occ_all[sym[k]][i,index] = mo['occ_num']
[docs]def get_extrapolation(r1,r2,mo_coeff,deg=1,grid1d=None): '''Extrapolates the molecular orbital coefficients :literal:`mo_coeff` using a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg`. **Paramerters:** r1 : int Specifies the index of the last known molecular orbital. r2 : int Specifies the index to which the molecular orbital coefficients are extrapolated. deg : int Specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial. grid1d : list or numpy.1darray, optional Specifies the grid for the extrapolation. **Returns:** epol : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NMO,NAO)) Contains the extrapolated molecular orbital coefficients. ''' if grid1d is None: grid1d = range(r2+1) if deg < 2: m = (mo_coeff[r1-1,:,:] - mo_coeff[r1,:,:])/float(grid1d[r1-1] - grid1d[r1]) epol = (m * (grid1d[r2] - grid1d[r1]) + mo_coeff[r1,:,:]) else: shape = mo_coeff.shape epol = numpy.zeros(shape[1:]) for i in range(shape[1]): for j in range(shape[2]): x = grid1d[:r2] y = mo_coeff[:r2,i,j] z = numpy.polyfit(x, y, deg) epol[i,j] = numpy.poly1d(z)(grid1d[r2]) return epol
[docs]def order_using_analytical_overlap(fid_list,itype='molden',deg=0,numproc=1, **kwargs): '''Performs an ordering routine using analytical overlap integrals between molecular orbitals. Set fid_list to None to omit the reading of input files. If :literal:`deg` is set to a value larger than zero, the molecular orbital coefficients are extrapolated with a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg`, before computing the molecular orbital overlap matrix. **Paramerters:** fid_list : list of str or None If not None, it contains the list of input file names. itype : str, choices={'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'} Specifies the type of the input files. deg : int, optional If greater than zero, specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial for the molecular orbital coefficients. **Returns:** index_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,NMO) Contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the molecular orbital changes its sign. mo_overlap : numpy.ndarray, shape=((Nfiles - 1),NMO,NMO) Contains the overlap matrix between the molecular orbitals of two neighboring geometries, i.e., mo_overlap[i,j,k] corresponds to overlap between the jth molecular orbital at geometry i to the kth molecular orbital at geometry (i+1). **Global Variables:** geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym, index_list ''' global geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym, index_list if fid_list is not None: read(fid_list,itype=itype,**kwargs) display('\nStarting the ordering routine using the molecular orbital overlap...') iterate= list(range(1,len(geo_spec_all))) if deg > 0: display('\tThe molecular orbital coefficients will be extrapolated') display('\tusing a least squares polynomial fit of degree %d.' % deg) std = numpy.array([numpy.std(i-geo_spec_all[0]) for i in geo_spec_all]) mo_overlap = [[] for i in sym.keys()] index_list = [[] for i in sym.keys()] for s in sym.values(): shape = numpy.shape(mo_coeff_all[s]) index_list[s] = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int) index_list[s] *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int) c = 0 t = time() for rr in iterate: r1 = rr-1 r2 = rr if (deg is None) or (deg > 0 and r1 >= deg): ao_overlap = get_ao_overlap(geo_spec_all[r2],geo_spec_all[r2],ao_spec, ao_spherical=ao_spherical) else: ao_overlap = get_ao_overlap(geo_spec_all[r1],geo_spec_all[r2],ao_spec, ao_spherical=ao_spherical) cs = 0 for s in sym.values(): mo_coeff = mo_coeff_all[s] shape = numpy.shape(mo_coeff) if deg is not None and deg > 0 and r1 >= deg: mo_r1 = get_extrapolation(r1,r2,mo_coeff,grid1d=std,deg=deg) else: mo_r1 = mo_coeff[r1] overlap = get_mo_overlap_matrix(mo_r1,mo_coeff[r2],ao_overlap, numproc=numproc) for i in range(shape[1]): # Iterate the rows of the overlap matrix line_max = None # variable for maximum value in the current row line_sort = numpy.argsort(numpy.abs(overlap[i,:]))[::-1] # sort the row for k in line_sort[::-1]: # Is this value the maximum in the current column? col_max = numpy.argmax(numpy.abs(overlap[:,k])) if i == col_max: line_max = k break if line_max is not None: # Interchange the coefficients mo_coeff[r2,[i,line_max],:] = mo_coeff[r2,[line_max,i],:] overlap[:,[i,line_max]] = overlap[:,[line_max,i]] index_list[s][r2,[i,line_max]] = index_list[s][r2,[line_max,i]] for i in range(shape[1]): # Change the signs mo_coeff[r2,i,:] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i]) overlap[:,i] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i]) index_list[s][r2,i] *= numpy.sign(overlap[i,i]) mo_overlap[cs].append(overlap) cs += 1 mo_coeff_all[s] = mo_coeff index = numpy.abs(index_list[s])[r2,:] mo_energy_all[s][r2,:] = mo_energy_all[s][r2,index] mo_occ_all[s][r2,:] = mo_occ_all[s][r2,index] c += 1 #if not c % int(numpy.ceil(len(iterate)/10.)): display('\tFinished %d of %d geometries (%.1f s)' % (c, len(iterate), time()-t)) t = time() tmp = [] for i in mo_overlap: tmp.append(numpy.array(i)) mo_overlap = tmp return index_list, mo_overlap
[docs]def order_using_extrapolation(fid_list,itype='molden',deg=1, use_mo_values=False,matrix=None,**kwargs): '''Performs an ordering routine using extrapolation of quantities related to the molecular orbitals. Set fid_list to None to omit the reading of input files. The molecular orbital coefficients (If use_mo_values is False) are extrapolated with a polynomial of degree :literal:`deg` and ordered by minimizing a selected norm (default: Euclidian norm). **Paramerters:** fid_list : list of str or None If not None, it contains the list of input file names. itype : str, choices={'molden', 'gamess', 'gaussian.log', 'gaussian.fchk'} Specifies the type of the input files. deg : int Specifies the degree of the extrapolation polynomial. use_mo_values : bool, optional If True, some molecular orbital values and their derivatives are computed at the nuclear positions. The ordering routine is applied for those values instead. matrix : None or numpy.ndarray with shape=(Nfiles,N,M) If not None, contains the data to be ordered. **Returns:** :if matrix is None: - index_list :else: - matrix, index_list index_list : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,NMO) Contains the new indices of the molecular orbitals. If index < 0, the molecular orbital changes its sign. matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nfiles,N,M) Contains the ordered matrix. **Global Variables:** geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym, index_list ''' global geo_spec_all, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all, sym, index_list # Read all input files if fid_list is not None: read(fid_list,itype=itype,**kwargs) radius = range(len(geo_spec_all)) #: We assume an equally spaced grid if deg < 2: function = order_mo else: function = order_mo_higher_deg if matrix is not None: display('\tOdering backward') matrix, index_list = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=True,mu=mu,deg=deg) display('\tOdering forward') matrix, index_list = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=False,mu=mu,deg=deg) return matrix, index_list index_list = [None for i in sym.keys()] for s,ii_s in sym.items(): display('Starting ordering of MOs of symmetry %s' % s) shape = numpy.shape(mo_coeff_all[ii_s]) mu = 5e-2 matrix = mo_coeff_all[ii_s] if use_mo_values: display('\tComputing molecular orbitals at the nuclear positions') matrix = compute_mo_list(geo_spec_all,ao_spec,matrix, ao_spherical=ao_spherical, iter_drv=[None, 'x', 'y', 'z']) display('\tOdering backward') matrix, index_list[ii_s] = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=True,mu=mu,deg=deg) display('\tOdering forward') matrix, index_list[ii_s] = function(matrix,index_list=index_list[ii_s],backward=False,mu=mu,deg=deg) for rr in range(shape[0]): index = numpy.abs(index_list[ii_s])[rr,:] sign = (-1)**(index_list[ii_s][rr] < 0) mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,:] = mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,index] mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,:] = mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,index] mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr,:,:] = sign[:,numpy.newaxis]*mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr,index,:] # numpy.array(matrix,copy=True) return index_list
[docs]def order_manually(matrix,i_0,i_1,r_range,using_sign=True): '''Performs the ordering manually. ''' def sign(x): return -1 if x < 0 and using_sign else 1 for rr in r_range: matrix[rr,[abs(i_0),abs(i_1)]] = sign(i_1)*matrix[rr,[abs(i_1),abs(i_0)]] return matrix
[docs]def order_mo(mo,index_list=None,backward=True,mu=1e-1,use_factor=False,**kwargs): '''Orders a 3d-matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)) by interchanging the axis=1, i.e., NMO, applying linear extrapolation.''' shape = numpy.shape(mo) if index_list == None: index_list = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int) index_list *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int) if 'criterion' in kwargs: if kwargs['criterion'] == '1-norm': test = lambda x,y: numpy.sum(numpy.abs(x)) < numpy.sum(numpy.abs(y)) if kwargs['criterion'] == '2-norm': test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum()) elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'infty-norm': test = lambda x,y: abs(x).max() < abs(y).max() elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'perc': test = lambda x,y: ((x**2 < y**2).sum()/float(shape[2])) > 1./2. else: raise ValueError('creterion %s is not defined!' % kwargs['criterion']) else: # Take 2-norm by default test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum()) if backward: st = [-1, 1,-1] else: st = [ 0,-2, 1] x = 2.*st[2] # Extrapolate linearly to the next point for i,i_0 in enumerate(range(shape[1])[:-1]): for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]: f = numpy.ones(shape[2]) if use_factor: is_larger = abs(mo[rr,i_0,:]) > mu f[is_larger] = 1/abs(mo[rr,i_0,is_larger]) for ii_s,sign in enumerate([1,-1]): m = (sign*mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - mo[rr,i_0,:])/float(st[2]) epol = (m * x + mo[rr,i_0,:]) cp = ((f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] - f[:]*epol[:])) cm = ((-1*f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] - f[:]*epol[:])) is_smaller = test(cm,cp) current = cm if is_smaller else cp if ii_s == 0: diff = current i_1 = i_0 new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller] elif test(current,diff): diff = current i_1 = i_0 new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller] # Check other molecular orbitals for ik_index,ik in enumerate(range(shape[1])[i+1:]): cp = ((f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],ik,:] - f[:]*epol[:])) cm = ((-1*f[:]*mo[rr+2*st[2],ik,:] - f[:]*epol[:])) is_smaller = test(cm,cp) current = cm if is_smaller else cp if test(current,diff): diff = current i_1 = ik new_signs = [sign,(-1)**is_smaller] if i_0 != i_1: mo[rr+2*st[2],[i_0,i_1],:] = mo[rr+2*st[2],[i_1,i_0],:] index_list[rr+2*st[2],[i_0,i_1]] = index_list[rr+2*st[2],[i_1,i_0]] mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[0] mo[rr+2*st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[1] index_list[rr+st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[0] index_list[rr+2*st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[1] return mo, index_list
[docs]def order_mo_higher_deg(mo,index_list=None,backward=True,mu=1e-1,deg=2,**kwargs): '''Orders a 3d-matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)) by interchanging the axis=1, i.e., NMO, applying an extrapolation a polynomial fit with a Vandermonde matrix as implemented in numpy.''' shape = numpy.shape(mo) # Check if degree is correctly set if not isinstance(deg, int) or deg < 1 or deg > (shape[0]-1): raise IOError('Wrong choice for degree of the fitting polynomial!') display('\tusing a least squares polynomial fit of degree %d.' % deg) if index_list == None: index_list = numpy.ones((shape[0],shape[1]),dtype=int) index_list *= numpy.arange(shape[1],dtype=int) if 'criterion' in kwargs: if kwargs['criterion'] == '1-norm': test = lambda x,y: numpy.sum(numpy.abs(x)) < numpy.sum(numpy.abs(y)) if kwargs['criterion'] == '2-norm': test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum()) elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'infty-norm': test = lambda x,y: abs(x).max() < abs(y).max() elif kwargs['criterion'] == 'perc': test = lambda x,y: ((x**2 < y**2).sum()/float(shape[2])) > 1./2. else: raise ValueError('creterion %s is not defined!' % kwargs['criterion']) else: # Take 2-norm by default test = lambda x,y: ((x**2).sum()) < ((y**2).sum()) if backward: st = [-(deg + 1), 0,-1] x = numpy.arange(0,deg+1) else: st = [deg, -1,1] x = numpy.arange(-deg,1) for i,i_0 in enumerate(range(shape[1])[:-1]): for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]: epol = numpy.zeros(shape[2]) for k in range(shape[2]): if mo[rr,i_0,k] != 0.: xnew = rr+st[2] y = mo[rr+x,i_0,k] z = numpy.polyfit(rr+x, y, deg) epol[k] = numpy.poly1d(z)(xnew) cp = ((mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - epol[:])**2) cm = ((-1*mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] - epol[:])**2) is_smaller = test(cm,cp) current = cm if is_smaller else cp diff = current i_1 = i_0 new_signs = [1,(-1)**is_smaller] # Check other molecular orbitals for ik_index,ik in enumerate(range(shape[1])[i+1:]): cp = ((mo[rr+st[2],ik,:] - epol[:])**2) cm = ((-1*mo[rr+st[2],ik,:] - epol[:])**2) is_smaller = test(cm,cp) current = cm if is_smaller else cp if test(current,diff): diff = current i_1 = ik new_signs = [1,(-1)**is_smaller] if i_0 != i_1: mo[rr+st[2],[i_0,i_1],:] = mo[rr+st[2],[i_1,i_0],:] index_list[rr+st[2],[i_0,i_1]] = index_list[rr+st[2],[i_1,i_0]] mo[rr,i_0,:] *= new_signs[0] mo[rr+st[2],i_0,:] *= new_signs[1] index_list[rr,i_0] *= new_signs[0] index_list[rr+st[2],i_0] *= new_signs[1] return mo, index_list
[docs]def order_pm(x,y,backward=True,mu=1e-1,use_factor=False): '''Outdated function to order exclusively the sign of a data set. ''' if backward: st = [-2,1,-1] else: st = [1,-2,1] if numpy.ndim(y) == 1: diff = numpy.zeros(2) for rr in range(len(y))[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]: m = (y[rr+st[2]]-y[rr])/(x[rr+st[2]]-x[rr]) epol = m * (x[rr+2*st[2]]-x[rr]) + y[rr] for ii_d in range(2): diff[ii_d] = (((-1)**ii_d * y[rr+2*st[2]])-epol)**2 if numpy.argmin(numpy.abs(diff)) == 1: y[rr+2*st[2]] = -y[rr+2*st[2]] elif numpy.ndim(y) == 2: y = numpy.array(y) shape = numpy.shape(y) for rr in range(shape[0])[st[0]:st[1]:st[2]]: for ii_s,sign in [(0,-1),(1,+1)]: f = numpy.ones(shape[1]) if use_factor: f[numpy.abs(y[rr,:]) > mu] = 1/numpy.abs(y[rr,numpy.abs(y[rr,:]) > mu]) m = (y[rr+st[2],:]-y[rr,:])/(x[rr+st[2]]-x[rr]) epol = f[:]*(m * (x[rr+2*st[2]]-x[rr]) + y[rr,:]) # Euclidean norm (2 norm) current = numpy.sum((f[:]*sign*y[rr+2*st[2],:] - epol[:])**2) # Current value if ii_s == 0: diff = current new_sign = sign elif current < diff: new_sign = sign y[rr+2*st[2],:] *= new_sign else: display('Function order_pm only works for vectors and 2D matrices') return y
[docs]def save_hdf5(fid,variables=['geo_info', 'geo_spec_all', 'ao_spec', 'ao_spherical', 'mo_coeff_all', 'mo_energy_all', 'mo_occ_all', 'sym', 'index_list'],hdf5mode='w',**kwargs): '''Writes all global variables specified in :literal:`variables` and all additional :literal:`kwargs` to an HDF5 file. ''' from orbkit.output import hdf5_open,hdf5_append # Save HDF5 File display('Saving Hierarchical Data Format file (HDF5) to %s...' % fid) data_stored = [] for HDF5_file in hdf5_open(fid,mode=hdf5mode): for i in variables: if i in globals(): data = globals()[i] if not (data == [] or data is None): if i == 'sym': data = numpy.array([[k,l] for k,l in data.items()]) hdf5_append(data,HDF5_file,name=i) data_stored.append(i) elif i not in kwargs: raise ValueError('Variable `%s` is not in globals() or in **kwargs' % i) for j in kwargs.keys(): hdf5_append(kwargs[j],HDF5_file,name=j) data_stored.append(j) display('\tContent: ' + ', '.join(data_stored))
[docs]def read_hdf5(fid,variables=['geo_info', 'geo_spec_all', 'ao_spec', 'ao_spherical', 'mo_coeff_all', 'mo_energy_all', 'mo_occ_all', 'sym', 'index_list']): '''Reads all variables specified in :literal:`variables` from an HDF5 file created with :literal:`write_hdf5` and appends this data to the globals() of this module. ''' from orbkit.output import hdf5_open,hdf52dict # Read HDF5 File display('Reading Hierarchical Data Format file (HDF5) File from %s' % fid) data_stored = [] for HDF5_file in hdf5_open(fid,mode='r'): for i in variables: try: globals()[i] = hdf52dict(i,HDF5_file) data_stored.append(i) if i == 'sym': s = dict(globals()[i]) globals()[i] = {} for k,l in s.items(): globals()[i][k] = int(l) except KeyError: pass if not data_stored: raise IOError('Could not find any data in `%s` for the selected `variables`.' % fid) display('\tFound: ' + ', '.join(data_stored))
[docs]def construct_qc(): '''Converts all global variables to a list of `QCinfo` classes. ''' from orbkit.qcinfo import QCinfo QC = [] for rr in range(len(geo_spec_all)): QC.append(QCinfo()) QC[rr].geo_spec = geo_spec_all[rr] QC[rr].geo_info = geo_info QC[rr].ao_spec = ao_spec QC[rr].ao_spherical = ao_spherical QC[rr].mo_spec = [] for s,ii_s in sym.items(): for i,coeffs in enumerate(mo_coeff_all[ii_s][rr]): QC[rr].mo_spec.append({'coeffs': coeffs, 'energy' : mo_energy_all[ii_s][rr,i], 'occ_num' : mo_occ_all[ii_s][rr,i], 'sym': '%d.%s' % (i+1,s)}) return QC
[docs]def compute_mo_list(geo_spec_all,ao_spec,mo_matrix,ao_spherical=None, iter_drv=[None, 'x', 'y', 'z']): '''Computes the values of the molecular orbitals and, if requested, their derivatives at the nuclear positions for a complete mo_matrix (shape=(Nfiles,NMO,NAO)).''' from orbkit.core import ao_creator shape = numpy.shape(mo_matrix) mo_list = numpy.zeros((shape[0],shape[1],4*numpy.shape(geo_spec_all)[1])) for rr in range(shape[0]): geo_spec = geo_spec_all[rr] x = geo_spec[:,0] y = geo_spec[:,1] z = geo_spec[:,2] N = len(x) for i,drv in enumerate(iter_drv): ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,ao_spherical=ao_spherical, exp_list=False, is_vector=True, drv=drv, x=x,y=y,z=z) for i_mo in range(shape[1]): for i_ao in range(shape[2]): mo_list[rr,i_mo,N*i+numpy.arange(N)] += mo_matrix[rr,i_mo,i_ao] * ao_list[i_ao,:] return mo_list
[docs]def data_interp(x,y,xnew,k=3,der=0,s=0,**kwargs): '''Interpolates a dataset y(x) to y(xnew) using B-Splines of order k.''' from scipy import interpolate tck = interpolate.splrep(x,y,s=s,k=k) ynew = interpolate.splev(xnew,tck,der=der) return ynew
def splrep_all(x,k=3,**kwargs): from scipy import interpolate global geo_spec_tck, mo_coeff_tck, mo_energy_tck, mo_occ_tck geo_spec_tck = [] mo_coeff_tck = [] mo_energy_tck = [] mo_occ_tck = [] shape = geo_spec_all.shape for i in range(shape[1]): geo_spec_tck.append([]) for j in range(shape[2]): geo_spec_tck[-1].append(interpolate.splrep(x,geo_spec_all[:,i,j], k=k,**kwargs)) for i_mo in range(len(mo_coeff_all)): mo_coeff_tck.append([]) mo_energy_tck.append([]) mo_occ_tck.append([]) shape = mo_coeff_all[i_mo].shape for i in range(shape[1]): mo_coeff_tck[-1].append([]) mo_energy_tck[-1].append(interpolate.splrep(x,mo_energy_all[i_mo][:,i], k=k,**kwargs)) mo_occ_tck[-1].append(interpolate.splrep(x,mo_occ_all[i_mo][:,i], k=k,**kwargs)) for j in range(shape[2]): mo_coeff_tck[-1][-1].append(interpolate.splrep(x, mo_coeff_all[i_mo][:,i,j], k=k,**kwargs))
[docs]def interpolate_all(x,xnew,k=3,**kwargs): '''Interpolates a dataset y(x) to y(xnew) using B-Splines of order k.''' from scipy import interpolate global geo_spec_all, mo_coeff_all, mo_energy_all, mo_occ_all shape = list(geo_spec_all.shape) shape[0] = len(xnew) tmp = numpy.zeros(shape) for i in range(shape[1]): for j in range(shape[2]): tmp[:,i,j] = data_interp(x,geo_spec_all[:,i,j],xnew,k=k,**kwargs) geo_spec_all = numpy.copy(tmp) for i_mo in range(len(mo_coeff_all)): shape = list(mo_coeff_all[i_mo].shape) shape[0] = len(xnew) tmp = numpy.zeros(shape) for i in range(shape[1]): for j in range(shape[2]): tmp[:,i,j] = data_interp(x,mo_coeff_all[i_mo][:,i,j],xnew,k=k,**kwargs) mo_coeff_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp) shape = list(mo_energy_all[i_mo].shape) shape[0] = len(xnew) tmp = numpy.zeros(shape) for i in range(shape[1]): tmp[:,i] = data_interp(x,mo_energy_all[i_mo][:,i],xnew,k=k,**kwargs) mo_energy_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp) shape = list(mo_occ_all[i_mo].shape) shape[0] = len(xnew) tmp = numpy.zeros(shape) for i in range(shape[1]): tmp[:,i] = data_interp(x,mo_occ_all[i_mo][:,i],xnew,k=k,**kwargs) mo_occ_all[i_mo] = numpy.copy(tmp)
[docs]def plot(mo_matrix,symmetry='1',title='All',x_label='index', y_label='MO coefficients',output_format='png', plt_dir='Plots',ylim=None,thresh=0.1,x0=0,grid=True,x_grid=None,**kwargs): '''Plots all molecular orbital coefficients of one symmetry.''' import pylab as plt from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator import os display('Plotting data of symmetry %s to %s/' % (symmetry,plt_dir)) if not os.path.exists(plt_dir): os.makedirs(plt_dir) if numpy.ndim(mo_matrix) == 2: mo_matrix = mo_matrix[:,numpy.newaxis,:] shape = numpy.shape(mo_matrix) #colors = 'bgrcmyk' def plot_mo(i): fig=plt.figure() plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=16) ax = plt.subplot(111) curves=[] for ij in range(shape[2]): Y = mo_matrix[:,i,ij] if x_grid is None: X = numpy.arange(len(Y))+x0 else: X = x_grid if max(numpy.abs(Y)) > thresh: curves.append(ax.plot(X,Y, '.-' ,linewidth=1.5)) #colors[ij%len(colors)]+ plt.xlabel(x_label, fontsize=16); plt.ylabel(y_label, fontsize=16); plt.title('%s: %d.%s'% (title,i+1,symmetry)) plt.ylim(ylim) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(1)) #ax.xaxis.grid(grid, which='minor') #ax.grid(grid, which='both') plt.tight_layout() return fig if output_format == 'pdf': from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages output_fid = '%s.%s.pdf'% (title,symmetry.replace(' ','_')) display('\t%s' % output_fid) with PdfPages(os.path.join(plt_dir,output_fid)) as pdf: for i in range(shape[1]): fig = plot_mo(i) pdf.savefig(fig,**kwargs) plt.close() elif output_format == 'png': for i in range(shape[1]): fig = plot_mo(i) output_fid = '%d.%s.png' % (i+1,symmetry.replace(' ','_')) display('\t%s' % output_fid) fig.savefig(os.path.join(plt_dir, output_fid),format='png',**kwargs) plt.close() else: raise ValueError('output_format `%s` is not supported' % output_format)
[docs]def show_selected_mos(selected_mos,r0=0,steps=1,select_slice='xz',where=0.0, npts=[26,51],minpts=[-3,-6],maxpts=[3,6],nuclear_pos='x'): '''Uses orbkit to compute selected molecular orbitals and plots it with :func:`contour_mult_mo`.''' from orbkit import grid from orbkit.core import ao_creator,mo_creator r = range(r0,r0+steps) grid.N_ = [1,1,1] grid.min_ = [0,0,0] grid.max_ = [0,0,0] if select_slice == 'xy': k = [0,1] grid.min_[2] += where grid.max_[2] += where elif select_slice == 'yz': k = [1,2] grid.min_[0] += where grid.max_[0] += where elif select_slice == 'xz': k = [0,2] grid.min_[1] += where grid.max_[1] += where else: raise ValueError('`show_selected_mos` currently only' + 'supports slices parallel to the following planes:' + 'select_slice = `xy`, `yz`, or `xz`') for i,j in enumerate(k): grid.N_[j] = npts[i] grid.min_[j] = minpts[i] grid.max_[j] = maxpts[i] # Initialize grid grid.is_initialized = False grid.grid_init(force=True) xyz = grid.x,grid.y,grid.z for mo_sel in selected_mos: i,j = mo_sel.split('.') mo = [] for rr in r: ao_list = ao_creator(geo_spec_all[rr],ao_spec,ao_spherical=ao_spherical) mo.append(mo_creator(ao_list,mo_coeff_all[sym[j]][rr,int(i)-1,numpy.newaxis])[0].reshape(tuple(npts))) f, pics = contour_mult_mo(xyz[k[0]],xyz[k[1]],mo, xlabel=select_slice[0],ylabel=select_slice[1], title='MO:%s' % mo_sel,r0=r0) for i,pic in enumerate(pics): pic.plot(geo_spec_all[rr,:,k[1]],geo_spec_all[rr,:,k[0]],nuclear_pos, markersize=10,markeredgewidth=2)
[docs]def contour_mult_mo(x,y,mo,xlabel='x',ylabel='y',title='',r0=0): '''Uses matplotlib to show slices of a molecular orbitals.''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Plot slices f, pics = \ plt.subplots(len(mo),1,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(6,2+4*len(mo))) plt.suptitle(title) vmax = numpy.max(numpy.abs(mo)) for i,pic in enumerate(pics): pic.contour(y,x,mo[i],50,linewidths=0.5,colors='k') pic.contourf(\ y,x,mo[i],50,,vmax=vmax,vmin=-vmax) pic.set_ylabel(xlabel) pic.set_xlabel(ylabel) pic.set_title('Data Point %d' % (r0+i)) f.subplots_adjust(left=0.15,bottom=0.05,top=0.95,right=0.95) return f,pics