Source code for orbkit.grid

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module for creating and manipulating the grid on which all computations 
are performed.'''
Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, and Axel Schild

This file is part of orbkit.

orbkit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as 
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of 
the License, or any later version.

orbkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
License along with orbkit.  If not, see <>.

# Import general modules
import sys
import numpy

# Import orbkit modules
from orbkit import cy_grid

[docs]def grid_init(is_vector=False, force=False): '''Sets up the regular x-, y-, z-grid specified by the global lists: :min\_: List of minimum grid values :max\_: List of maximum grid values :N\_: List of number of grid points **Parameters:** is_vector : bool, optional If True, converts the regular grid to a vector grid. ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, d3r, min_, max_, N_, delta_, grid, is_initialized, is_regular if is_initialized and not force: return 0 # Initialize a list for the grid grid = [[],[],[]] # Loop over the three dimensions for ii in range(3): if max_[ii] == min_[ii]: # If min-value is equal to max-value, write only min-value to grid grid[ii] = numpy.array([min_[ii]],dtype=numpy.float64) delta_[ii] = 1 N_[ii] = 1 else: # Calculate the grid using the input parameters if delta_[ii]: grid[ii] = numpy.arange(min_[ii],max_[ii]+delta_[ii],delta_[ii],dtype=numpy.float64) N_[ii] = len(grid[ii]) else: grid[ii] = numpy.array(numpy.linspace(min_[ii],max_[ii],N_[ii]),dtype=numpy.float64) # backward compatibility delta_[ii] = grid[ii][1]-grid[ii][0] # Write grid x = grid[0] y = grid[1] z = grid[2] d3r = numpy.product(delta_) is_initialized = True is_regular = True if is_vector: grid2vector() else: setattr(sys.modules[__name__],'is_vector',False)
# grid_init # Synonyms init = grid_init init_grid = grid_init
[docs]def get_grid(start='\t'): '''Returns a string describing the current x-, y-, z-grid. ''' coord = ['x', 'y', 'z'] grid = [x, y, z] display = '' for ii in range(3): display += ('%(s)s%(c)s[0] = %(min).2f %(c)s[-1] = %(max).2f N%(c)s = %(N)d ' % {'s': start, 'c': coord[ii], 'min': grid[ii][0], 'max': grid[ii][-1], 'N': len(grid[ii])}) if max_[ii] != min_[ii] and delta_[ii] != 0.: # Print the delta values only if min-value is not equal to max-value display += 'd%(c)s = %(d).3f' % {'c': coord[ii], 'd': delta_[ii]} display += '\n' return display
# get_grid
[docs]def tolist(): '''Returns a list containing the current x-, y-, z-grid. ''' return [numpy.copy(x), numpy.copy(y), numpy.copy(z)]
[docs]def todict(): '''Returns a dictionary containing the current x-, y-, z-grid. ''' return {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}
[docs]def get_shape(): '''Returns the shape of the grid. ''' if not is_initialized: raise ValueError('`grid.get_shape` requires the grid to be initialized.') return (len(x),) if is_vector else tuple(N_)
[docs]def set_grid(xnew,ynew,znew,is_vector=None): '''Sets the x-, y-, z-grid. ''' global x, y, z, is_initialized,is_regular coord = ['x', 'y', 'z'] NumberTypes = (int, float) #: Contains the supported types. # Making sure we have a clean new grid to work with reset_grid() length = [] grid = [xnew,ynew,znew] for i,c in enumerate(grid): # Check the type of the grid if isinstance(c,NumberTypes): c = numpy.array([c],dtype=numpy.float64) elif isinstance(c,(list,tuple)): c = numpy.array(c,dtype=numpy.float64) elif not isinstance(c,numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError('%s (dimension %d) is of inappropriate type. (%s)' %(coord[i],i,type(c))) # Reshape if necessary if c.ndim != 1: c = c.reshape((-1,)) # Save new grid grid[i] = c length.append(len(c)) # Produce some information about the grid. info_string = 'Grid has been set up...' info_string += ('\n\tIf the input coordinates will be used for a regular grid,' + '\n\tit will contain %dx%dx%d=%d data points.' % (tuple(length) + (numpy.product(length),)) ) if length[0] == length[1] == length[2]: info_string += ('\n\n\tIf the input coordinates will be used for a vector grid,' + '\n\tit will contain %d data points.' % length[0] ) else: info_string += ('\n\n\tAttention: Due to their different length, the grid variables' + '\n\tcannot be used for a computation using a vector grid!' ) # Write grid x = grid[0] y = grid[1] z = grid[2] is_initialized = True if isinstance(is_vector,bool): setattr(sys.modules[__name__],'is_vector',is_vector) is_regular = not is_vector info_string += ('\n\nThe variable `grid.is_vector` has been set to %s.' % is_vector) set_boundaries() return info_string
# set_grid def set_boundaries(): global is_vector, min_, max_, delta_, N_ min_ = [x.min(),y.min(),z.min()] max_ = [x.max(),y.max(),z.max()] N_ = [len(x),len(y),len(z)] if not is_vector: delta_ = [1.,1.,1.] for i,d in enumerate([x,y,z]): if len(d) > 1 : delta_[i] = d[1] - d[0] def get_bbox(): bbox = numpy.zeros(6) bbox[::2] = min_ bbox[1::2] = max_ return bbox
[docs]def grid2vector(): '''Converts the regular grid characterized by x-, y-, z-vectors to a (3, (Nx*Ny*Nz)) grid matrix (vector grid). Reverse operation: :mod:`orbkit.grid.vector2grid` ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_vector, is_regular if not is_initialized: raise ValueError('You have to initialize a grid before calling '+ ' `grid.grid2vector`, i.e., `grid.is_initialized=True`.') x,y,z = cy_grid.grid2vector(x,y,z) is_vector = True is_regular = True
[docs]def vector2grid(Nx,Ny,Nz): '''Converts the (3, (Nx*Ny*Nz)) grid matrix (vector grid) back to the regular grid characterized by the x-, y-, z-vectors. Reverse operation: :mod:`orbkit.grid.grid2vector` ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_vector if not is_initialized: raise ValueError('You have to initialize a grid before calling '+ ' `grid.vector2grid`. '+ '(`grid.is_initialized == True`)') if not is_regular: raise ValueError('The grid has to regular. '+ '(`grid.is_regular == True`)') if not (len(x) == len(y) == len(z)): raise ValueError('Not a valid vector grid, i.e., dimensions of '+ 'x-, y-, and z- coordinate differ.') if (Nx*Ny*Nz) != len(x): raise ValueError('It has to hold that `len(x) = (N_x * N_y * N_z)`') x,y,z = cy_grid.vector2grid(x,y,z,Nx,Ny,Nz) is_vector = False
[docs]def matrix_grid2vector(matrix): '''Converts the (Nx,Ny,Nz) data matrix back to the regular grid (Nx,Nz,Ny) ''' matrix = numpy.asarray(matrix,dtype=float) if matrix.ndim != 3: raise ValueError('`matrix` has to be 3d matrix.') return numpy.reshape(matrix,(-1,))
[docs]def matrix_vector2grid(matrix,Nx=None,Ny=None,Nz=None): '''Converts the (Nx*Ny*Nz) data matrix back to the (Nx,Nz,Ny) ''' matrix = numpy.asarray(matrix,dtype=float) if matrix.ndim != 1 or (Nx*Ny*Nz) != len(matrix): raise ValueError('`matrix` has to be one dimensional with the length '+ '`len(matrix) = N_x * N_y * N_z`.'+ 'For Nd matrices use the function `grid.mv2g`.') return numpy.reshape(matrix,(Nx,Ny,Nz))
[docs]def mv2g(**kwargs): '''Converts all `numpy.ndarrays` given as the keyword arguments (`**kwargs`) from a vector grid of `shape=(..., Nx*Ny*Nz, ...,)` to a regular grid of `shape=(..., Nx, Ny, Nz, ...,)`, and, if more than one `**kwargs` is given, returns it as a dictionary. Hint: The global values for the grid dimensionality, i.e., :mod:`grid.N_`, are used for reshaping. ''' import itertools return_val = {} for i,j in kwargs.items(): j = numpy.asarray(j,dtype=float) shape = numpy.shape(j) where = numpy.argwhere(shape==numpy.product(N_)) return_val[i] = numpy.zeros(shape[:where]+tuple(N_)+shape[where+1:]) for key in itertools.product(*[range(k) for k in (shape[:where] + shape[where+1:])]): obj = [slice(k,k+1) for k in key] for r in range(3): obj.insert(where,slice(None,None)) return_val[i][obj] = matrix_vector2grid(j[obj[:where]+obj[where+2:]].reshape((-1,)), **dict(zip(['Nx','Ny','Nz'],N_))) return return_val.values()[0] if len(return_val.values()) == 1 else return_val
[docs]def grid_sym_op(symop): '''Executes given symmetry operation on vector grid ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_vector, is_regular symop = numpy.asarray(symop,dtype=numpy.float64) if symop.shape != (3,3): raise ValueError('`symop` needs to be a numpy array with shape=(3,3)') if not is_initialized: raise ValueError('You have to initialize a grid before executing a '+ ' symmetry operation on it. (`grid.is_initialized == True`)') if not is_vector: grid2vector() x, y, z =,numpy.array([x,y,z])) # The grid is not regular anymore. is_regular = False
[docs]def grid_translate(dx,dy,dz): '''Translates the grid by (dx,dy,dz). ''' global x,y,z x += dx y += dy z += dz
[docs]def rot(ang,axis): '''Creates matrix representation for arbitrary rotations Angle has to be defined in radians, e.g., numpy.pi/2.0 Axis has to be specified as follows: x-axis -> axis=0, y-axis -> axis=1, z-axis -> axis=2, ''' # Initialize cosine, sinus, and additional numpy functions cos = numpy.cos sin = numpy.sin array = numpy.array insert = numpy.insert # Create rotation matrix around defined rotations axis rotmatrix = array([[ cos(ang), sin(ang)], [-sin(ang), cos(ang)]]) rotmatrix = insert(insert(rotmatrix,axis,0,axis=0),axis,0,axis=1) rotmatrix[axis,axis] = 1 return rotmatrix
# rot
[docs]def reflect(plane): '''Creates matrix representation for reflection Plane has to be specified as follows: xy-plane -> plane= numpy.array([0,1]) xz-plane -> plane= numpy.array([0,2]) yz-plane -> plane= numpy.array([1,2]) ''' # Create reflection matrix for defined plane sigma = numpy.array([[1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]],dtype=float) axis = 3-numpy.sum(plane) sigma[axis,axis] *= -1.0 return sigma
# reflect
[docs]def inversion(): '''Transfer matrix representation for inversion ''' # Inversion matrix inv = numpy.array([[-1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,0,-1]],dtype=float) # inversion return inv
# inversion
[docs]def sph2cart_vector(r,theta,phi): '''Converts a spherical regular grid matrix (r, theta, phi) to a Cartesian grid matrix (vector grid) with the shape (3, (Nr*Ntheta*Nphi)). **Parameters:** r : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nr,) Specifies radial distance. theta : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Ntheta,) Specifies polar angle. phi : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nphi,) Specifies azimuth angle. ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_initialized, is_vector, is_regular x,y,z = cy_grid.sph2cart(numpy.asarray(r,dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.asarray(theta,dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.asarray(phi,dtype=numpy.float64)) is_initialized = True is_vector = True is_regular = False
# sph2cart_vector
[docs]def cyl2cart_vector(r,phi,zed): '''Converts a cylindrical regular grid matrix (r, phi, zed) to a Cartesian grid matrix (vector grid) with the shape (3, (Nr*Nphi*Nzed)). **Parameters:** r : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nr,) Specifies radial distance. phi : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nphi,) Specifies azimuth angle. zed : numpy.ndarray, shape=(Nz,) Specifies z distance. ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_initialized, is_vector, is_regular x,y,z = cy_grid.cyl2cart(numpy.asarray(r,dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.asarray(phi,dtype=numpy.float64), numpy.asarray(zed,dtype=numpy.float64)) is_initialized = True is_vector = True is_regular = False
# cyl2cart_vector
[docs]def random_grid(geo_spec,N=1e6,scale=0.5): '''Creates a normally distributed grid around the atom postions (geo_spec). **Parameters:** geo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. N : int Number of points distributed around each atom scale : float Width of normal distribution ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, is_initialized, is_vector, is_regular geo_spec = numpy.array(geo_spec) at_num = len(geo_spec) # Initialize a list for the grid grid = numpy.zeros((3,at_num,N)) # Loop over the three dimensions for ii_d in range(3): for ii_a in range(at_num): grid[ii_d,ii_a,:] = numpy.random.normal(loc=geo_spec[ii_a,ii_d],scale=0.5,size=N) grid = numpy.reshape(grid,(3,N*at_num)) # Write grid x = grid[0] y = grid[1] z = grid[2] is_initialized = True is_vector = True is_regular = False
# random_grid
[docs]def read(filename, comment='#'): '''Reads a grid from a plain text file. **Parameters:** fid : str Specifies the filename of the grid file. **Returns:** is_vector : bool If True, a vector grid is used for the computations. **Supported Formats:** Regular Grid:: # Regular Grid Example File # Format: # x xmin xmax Nx # y ymin ymax Ny # z zmin zmax Nz x -5 5 101 y -2 2 51 z 0 0 1 Vector Grid:: # Vectorized Grid Example File # The header 'x y z' is mandatory! x y z -5 -5 0 -4 -5 0 -3 -5 0 0 0 0 2 -1e-1 9.78 **Hint:** If a line starts with '#', it will be skipped. Please, do not use '#' at the end of a line! ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, min_, max_, N_, delta_, is_initialized, is_regular, is_vector def check(i, is_vector): if (len(i) == 3) and (is_vector is None or is_vector == True): return True elif (len(i) == 4) and (is_vector is None or is_vector == False): return False else: raise IOError('Inconsistency in Grid File in "%s"' % i) # Go through the file line by line is_vector = None is_dx = [False for i in range(3)] # Last column grid spacing not number of points grid = [[] for i in range(3)] dim = 'xyz' index = [[] for i in range(3)] with open(filename) as fileobject: for l,line in enumerate(fileobject): cl = line.split() # The Current Line split into segments if not (cl == [] or cl[0] == comment): is_vector = check(cl, is_vector) if is_vector: for i,j in enumerate(cl): if index[i] == []: index[i] = dim.find(j) else: grid[index[i]].append(j) else: grid[dim.find(cl[0].lower())] = cl[1:] is_dx[dim.find(cl[0].lower())] = '.' in cl[-1] # Convert the variables grid = numpy.array(grid,dtype=numpy.float64) if is_vector: x = grid[0,:] y = grid[1,:] z = grid[2,:] is_initialized = True # The grid will be seen as initialized is_regular = False # The grid is assumed to be non-regular else: min_ = grid[:,0] max_ = grid[:,1] for i in range(3): if is_dx[i]: delta_[i] = grid[i,2] else: N_[i] = int(grid[i,2]) return is_vector
[docs]def adjust_to_geo(qc,extend=5.0,step=0.1): '''Adjusts the grid boundaries to the molecular geometry. **Parameters:** qc : QCinfo class See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. extend : float Specifies the value by which the grid boundaries are extended in each direction. step : float Specifies the grid spacing. ''' global min_, max_, N_,delta_ for i in range(3): min_[i] = min(qc.geo_spec[:,i]) - abs(extend) max_[i] = max(qc.geo_spec[:,i]) + abs(extend) dist = (max_[i] - min_[i]) N_[i] = int(numpy.ceil(dist/step))+1 rest = (N_[i]-1)*step - dist # Correct minimum and maximum value, if necessary min_[i] -= rest/2. max_[i] += rest/2. delta_[i] = step
def check_atom_select(atom,geo_info,geo_spec,interactive=True, display=sys.stdout.write): if not((isinstance(atom, int)) and (0 < atom <= len(geo_spec))): display('Not a Valid atom number for centering the grid') display('Coose a valid index:') for i,j in enumerate(geo_info): display('\t%d\t%s\t%s' % (i+1,j[0],geo_spec[i])) if interactive: while not((isinstance(atom, int)) and (0 < atom <= len(geo_spec))): try: atom = int(raw_input('Please insert a correct index: ')) except ValueError: pass else: raise IOError('Insert a correct filename for the MO list!') return atom
[docs]def center_grid(ac,display=sys.stdout.write): '''Centers the grid to the point ac and to the origin (0,0,0). ''' # All grid related variables should be globals global x, y, z, d3r, min_, max_, N_, delta_ if not is_regular: raise ValueError('Center grid is only supported for regular grids.') was_vector = is_vector if was_vector: vector2grid(*N_) P=[numpy.zeros((3,1)), numpy.reshape(ac,(3,1))] d_tilde = numpy.abs(P[0] - P[1]) N_tilde = numpy.round(numpy.abs(d_tilde / delta_)) for ii in range(3): if N_tilde[ii] != 0: delta_[ii] = d_tilde[ii] / N_tilde[ii] grid = [x, y, z] for ii in range(3): if len(grid[ii]) != 1: position = numpy.nonzero(ac[ii] <= grid[ii])[0][0] g = numpy.abs(grid[ii][position] - ac[ii]); c = 1/2.*delta_[ii] - g; grid[ii] += c; x = grid[0] y = grid[1] z = grid[2] d3r = numpy.product(delta_) min_ = [min(grid[0]), min(grid[1]), min(grid[2])] max_ = [max(grid[0]), max(grid[1]), max(grid[2])] N_ = [len(grid[0]), len(grid[1]), len(grid[2])] display('Centered Grid to (%.2f %.2f %.2f): \n' % (ac[0], ac[1], ac[2])) display(get_grid()) for ii in range(3): if len(numpy.nonzero(0. == numpy.round(grid[ii]*10000))[0])!= 0: display('Warning!\n\tAt least one grid point is equal to zero.\n') if was_vector: grid2vector()
# center_grid
[docs]def reset_grid(): '''Resets the grid parameters.''' global is_initialized, is_vector, is_regular, min_, max_, N_ is_initialized = False is_vector = True is_regular = False min_ = [-8.0, -8.0, -8.0] max_ = [ 8.0, 8.0, 8.0] N_ = [ 101, 101, 101] delta_ = numpy.zeros((3,1))
# reset_grid # Default values for the grid parameters min_ = [-8.0, -8.0, -8.0] #: Specifies minimum grid values (regular grid). max_ = [ 8.0, 8.0, 8.0] #: Specifies maximum grid values (regular grid). N_ = [ 101, 101, 101] #: Specifies the number of grid points (regular grid). # Initialize some lists x = numpy.array([0.0]) #: Contains the x-coordinates. y = numpy.array([0.0]) #: Contains the y-coordinates. z = numpy.array([0.0]) #: Contains the z-coordinates. delta_ = numpy.zeros((3,1)) #: Contains the grid spacing. d3r = 0.0 #: A volume element is_initialized = False #: If True, the grid is assumed to be initialized. is_vector = True #: If True, the grid is assumed to be vector grid. is_regular = False #: If True, the grid is assumed to be regular, i.e., a conversion of a vector grid to a regular grid is possible, if ``N_`` is set.