.. _`Low-Level Interface`: ORBKIT's Low-Level Interface ============================ This section adresses more advanced users, who want to use the modules of ORBKIT within their own programs. Please refer to the :ref:`Function Reference` to get information about all modules and functions available. .. hint:: Complete examples of using ORBKIT's modules can be found in :literal:`orbkit/examples`, e.g., :file:`use_as_module.py` and :file:`calculate_derivatives.py`) The tutorials :doc:`../adtutorials/cubature` and :doc:`../adtutorials/multiple_files` show further practical applications. .. contents:: Table of Contents: :local: :depth: 1 Reading QC Input ---------------- All reading processes are handled by the module ``orbkit.read``, i.e.:: from orbkit import read Here, you have one function for each quantum chemistry input type converting the input to the ``QCinfo`` class (cf. :ref:`Central Variables`). These functions are managed by:: qc = read.main_read(filename,all_mo=False,spin=None,**kwargs) Besides choosing the filename (and optinally the input type via ``itype``), you can specify, if the function should read only the occupied orbitals (default), or the occupied *and* the virtual molecular orbitals (``all_mo``). Moreover, ``read.main_read`` forwards all additional keyword arguments (``**kwargs``) to the specific reading function, e.g., you can disable the interactive mode in ``read.read_molden``. For unrestricted calculations, the ``spin`` keyword can specify, if only molecular orbitals of alpha or beta spin shall be read. .. hint:: The main computational functions are not restricted to the ``QCinfo`` class. They also accept dictionaries having the same members. You can convert the ``QCinfo`` class to a dictionaries containing *only* the essential members by:: qc_dict = qc.todict() Initializing the Grid --------------------- The ``orbkit.grid`` module organizes all grid related features of ORBKIT, some of which will be discussed in this section. If you want to initialize a standard regular (vector) grid you have to set the grid parameters which are global values within this module:: from orbkit import grid grid.min_ = [-8.0, -8.0, -8.0] #: Specifies minimum grid values (regular grid). grid.max_ = [ 8.0, 8.0, 8.0] #: Specifies maximum grid values (regular grid). grid.N_ = [ 101, 101, 101] #: Specifies the number of grid points (regular grid). .. note:: If you prefer setting the grid spacing instead of the number of data points, you may set this parameters by:: ok.grid.delta_ = [0.1, 0.2, 0.1] Now, you can initialize the grid:: grid.grid_init(is_vector=False, force=False) To invoke the creation of a **vector** grid, i.e., :math:`N_{\sf data points} = N_{\sf x} = N_{\sf y} = N_{\sf z}` (see :ref:`grid` (Usage via the Terminal)), the variable ``is_vector`` has to set to ``True``. If you want to change the grid, e.g., for a subsequent calculation, you have to either set:: grid.is_initialized=False or call:: grid.grid_init(force=True) .. hint:: The current grid parameters can be displayed with:: print(grid.get_grid()) Another way to automatically set the grid parameters according to the molecular geometry is by calling:: grid.adjust_to_geo(qc,extend=5.0,step=0.1) Here, ORBKIT creates grid parameters (``grid.min_``, ``grid.max_``, ``grid.N_``) with a grid spacing of 0.1 a\ :sub:`0` and the size of the molecule plus 5 a\ :sub:`0` in each direction. After calling this function you have to **initialize the grid** using ``grid.grid_init()``. The last way to initialize a grid is by setting the *x*, *y*, *z* coordinates manually:: import numpy grid.x = numpy.linspace(-10,10,201) grid.y = numpy.array([0],dtype=float) grid.z = numpy.array([-1.0,1.1]) # We have already initialized a grid for orbkit: grid.is_initialized = True Here, x, y and z have to be one-dimensional ``numpy.array`` of type ``float`` (``numpy.float64``). If you have set a regular grid, please be sure that you set the following variables:: grid.is_vector = False grid.is_regualar = True .. attention:: The last line is **mandatory**, i.e., we have to tell ORBKIT, that there is no need to initialize the grid. .. hint:: For your convenience, you may also set the variable ``grid.is_vector = True``, if you have initialized a **vector grid** manually. You can use this standard variable as input parameter in other ORBKIT functions. Operations on the Grid ---------------------- The module ``orbkit.grid`` has some more features. For instance, starting from a **regular grid**, you can always convert between **regular** and a **vector grid**:: from orbkit import grid # Initialize the grid grid.grid_init(is_vector=False, force=False) # Convert the grid to a vector grid grid.grid2vector() print(grid.get_grid()) # Display the new grid parameters # Convert it back to a regular grid grid.vector2grid(*grid.N_) # Display the new grid parameters print(grid.get_grid()) # Display the new grid parameters The same can be done for matrices of the specific shapes, e.g.:: import numpy from orbkit import grid # Initialize a vector grid grid.grid_init(is_vector=True) # Create an array of the same shape, i.e., Nx=Ny=Nz=shape(matrix) matrix = numpy.arange(len(grid.x)) Nx, Ny, Nz = grid.N_ matrix = grid.matrix_vector2grid(matrix=matrix,Nx=Nx,Ny=Ny,Nz=Nz) Computational Functions ----------------------- All major computational processes are carried out by the module ``orbkit.core``. The function ``rho_compute`` manages the computational tasks, slices the grid, and distributes the slices to the subprocesses:: from orbkit import core data = core.rho_compute(qc,calc_mo=False,slice_length=1e4, drv=None,laplacian=False,numproc=1) If you set ``calc_mo=True``, all molecular orbitals will be computed and returned. The variable ``slice_length`` contains an integer value specifying the number of grid points per subprocess. Derivatives can be computed by changing the variable ``drv``, e.g., ``drv=['x','zz','xy']`` will invoke the computation of the first derivative with respect to :math:`x`, the second derivative with respect to :math:`z`, and the mixed derivative :math:`xy`. If the number of processes (``numproc``) is smaller or equal one, no subprocesses will be started, i.e., ORBKIT uses only a single CPU. If you even want to omit the slicing of the grid, you can use:: data = core.rho_compute_no_slice(qc,calc_mo=False,drv=None,laplacian=False return_components=False, is_vector=None,x=None,y=None,z=None) Here, you can return the atomic orbitals (and/or their derivatives) as well with ``return_components``. Furthermore, you can specify the grid (``x``, ``y``, ``z``, and ``is_vector``) without using the ``orbkit.grid`` module. If you do not want to use those functions, you can go further to the function computing the atomic orbitals and the function combining these orbitals to molecular orbitals:: ao_list = core.ao_creator(geo_spec,ao_spec,ao_spherical=ao_spherical,drv=None, is_vector=None,x=None,y=None,z=None) mo_list = core.mo_creator(ao_list,mo_spec) Those functions use the only specific members of the ``QCinfo`` class. Again, you can specify the grid (``x``, ``y``, ``z``, and ``is_vector``) without using the ``orbkit.grid`` module. The functionalities ``calc_mo`` and ``mo_set``, i.e., the computation of selected molecular orbitals and the calculation of the density with a selected set of molecular orbitals, are handled by two functions of the module ``orbkit.extras``:: mo_list, mo_info = extras.calc_mo(qc, fid_mo_list, drv=None, otype=None, ofid=None) and:: data = extras.mo_set(qc, fid_mo_list, drv=None, laplacian=False, otype=None, ofid=None, return_all=True) ``fid_mo_list`` is a list molecular orbital labels, cf. :ref:`mo high-level` (High-Level Interface). Here, ``slice_length`` and ``numproc`` are read from the respective ``orbkit.options`` variables. Output Functions ---------------- The output functionalities of ORBKIT are handled by the module ``orbkit.output``. Within this module, there are functions for every output type. These functions are managed by:: output.main_output(data,geo_info,geo_spec,outputname='new',otype='h5', drv=None,omit=[],**kwargs)