Introduction ============ This chapter explains in general how to use detCI\@ORBKIT to process multi-determinantal wave functions to compute expectation values of different one-electron operators of two Configuration Interaction (CI) wavefunctions :math:`\left|\Phi_a\right\rangle` and :math:`\left|\Phi_b\right\rangle`: .. math:: \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle = \sum_{p,q} C_p^{a}C_q^{b} \left\langle \phi_p \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \phi_q\right\rangle where :math:`\left|\phi_p\right\rangle` are the Slater determinants and :math:`C_p^{a}` are the respective CI coefficients. The Slater determinats themselves are built up from the molecular orbitals :math:`\left|\varphi_m\right\rangle`. For specific examples, please refer to the ORBKIT `examples folder`__. There, you can find two tutorials: one for a complex superposition states of :math:`{\rm H}_3^+` and one for a superposition state of :math:`{\rm LiH}`. They describe how to reproduce the results shown in __ Vincent Pohl, Gunter Hermann, and Jean Christophe Tremblay, "An Open-Source Framework of Analyzing *N*-electron Dynamics: I. Multi-Determinantal Wave Functions", `arXiv:1701.06885`__ (2017). __ detCI\@ORBKIT currently supports the following output file formats: +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | **QC Program** | **Level of Theory** | **Ground State QC-Data** | **CI-Data** | **Example File** | +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | PSI4 | All CI calculations | :ref:`Molden File` | Output file | :download:` ` | +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | GAMESS-US | CIS | :ref:`GAMESS-US Output File` | Output file | | +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | Turbomole | TD-DFT | :ref:`AOMix File` | "sing_a" file | | +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | MOLPRO | MCSCF | :ref:`Molden File` | Output file | :download:`molpro_casscf.inp `| +----------------+---------------------+------------------------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ .. Note:: The underlying ORBKIT modules are called using :ref:`Low-Level Interface`. .. --------------------+ .. **itype** | .. --------------------+ .. **'psi4_detci'** | .. --------------------+ .. **'gamess_cis'** | .. --------------------+ .. **'tmol_tddft'** | .. --------------------+ .. **'molpro_mcscf'** | .. --------------------+ How to Read the QC Output ========================= After importing the ```` module and the detCI\@ORBKIT module, i.e.:: from orbkit import read, detci we can read the ground state quantum chemistry data, i.e., the molecular geometry and the atomic and molecular orbital data:: qc = read.main_read(fid_molden,all_mo=True) Here, the quantum chemistry output is parsed into an instance of the ``QCinfo`` class (cf. :ref:`Central Variables`). Please note that we have to read the occupied *and* the virtual molecular orbitals (``all_mo=True``). In a similar manner, we can read the Configuration Interaction (CI) output:: qc,ci = detci.ci_read.main_ci_read(qc,fid_psi4,itype='psi4_detci',threshold=0.0) where ``threshold`` specifies a read threshold for the CI coefficients, which can considerably reduce computional time. The output variable is a list of instances of the ``CIinfo`` class, which contains - ``ci[a].info``: A dictionary with several information on the electronic state such as the state energy, name, multiplicity, etc. - ``ci[a].coeffs``: An array with CI coefficients - ``ci[a].occ``: An array with the corresponding occupation patterns .. Attention:: The function ``main_ci_read`` changes its first argument (the ``QCinfo`` instance). Within this class the molecular orbitals are reordered according to their symmetry. This is required for all subsequent calculations. How to Prepare All Subsequent Calculations ========================================== The starting point for all grid-based detCI\@ORBKIT calculations is the computation of the molecular orbitals :math:`\varphi_m({\bf r})` and the derivatives thereof (:math:`\vec{\nabla}\varphi_m({\bf r})` and :math:`\vec{\nabla}^2\varphi_m({\bf r})`):: from orbkit import grid,core # Set up the grid grid.adjust_to_geo(qc,extend=5.0,step=0.1) grid.grid_init() print(grid.get_grid()) # Compute the molecular orbitals and their derviatives molist = core.rho_compute(qc, calc_mo=True, slice_length=1e4, # Length of grid slice drv=[None, # No derivative 'x','y','z', # First derviatives 'xx','yy','zz'], # Second derivatives numproc=4) # Number of subprocesses molistdrv = molist[1:4] # \vec{\nabla} of MOs molistdrv2 = molist[-3:] # \vec{\nabla}^2 of MOs molist = molist[0] # MOs Non grid-based calculations, i.e., the electron number, dipole moments in length and velocity gauge, require several expectation values, i.e., :math:`\langle\varphi_m|\varphi_n\rangle`, :math:`\langle\varphi_m|{\bf r}|\varphi_n\rangle`, and :math:`\langle\varphi_m|\vec{\nabla}|\varphi_n\rangle` :: from orbkit.analytical_integrals import get_ao_overlap,get_mo_overlap_matrix from orbkit.analytical_integrals import get_ao_dipole_matrix aoom = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec,qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec, ao_spherical=qc.ao_spherical, drv=[None, # No derivative 'x','y','z']) # First derviatives dm_aoom = get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc,component=['x','y','z']) coeff = qc.mo_spec.get_coeff() moom = get_mo_overlap_matrix(coeff,coeff,aoom[0], numproc=4) # omr = numpy.zeros((3,) + moom.shape) # omv = numpy.zeros((3,) + moom.shape) # for i in range(3): omr[i] = get_mo_overlap_matrix(coeff,coeff,dm_aoom[i],numproc=4) omv[i] = get_mo_overlap_matrix(coeff,coeff,aoom[i+1] ,numproc=4) How to Compare CI States ======================== Consider two electronic states :math:`|\Phi_a\rangle` and :math:`|\Phi_b\rangle`. According to the Slater-Condon rules, an expectation value of a one-electron operator .. math:: \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle = \sum_{p,q} C_p^{a}C_q^{b} \left\langle \phi_p \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \phi_q\right\rangle where :math:`\left|\phi_p\right\rangle` are the Slater determinants and :math:`C_p^{a}` are the respective CI coefficients, is defined by the following contributions 1. Two identical Slater determinats (``zero``): .. math:: \left\langle \phi_p \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \phi_p\right\rangle = \sum_m \left\langle \varphi_m \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \varphi_m\right\rangle 2. Two Slater determinants differing by a single orbital :math:`m\rightarrow n` (``sing``) .. math:: \left\langle \phi_p \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \phi_q\right\rangle = \left\langle \varphi_m \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \varphi_n\right\rangle 3. Two Slater determinants differing by two or more orbitals .. math:: \left\langle \phi_p \middle| \hat{F} \middle| \phi_q\right\rangle = 0 Beforehand, these determinants have to brought into maximum coincidence. All these non-zero contributions can be identified by calling:: zero,sing =[a],ci[b],numproc=4) .. _`detCI:Electron Density`: Electron Density ================ The electron (transition) density is defined by .. math:: \rho_{ab}({\bf r}) &= \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{\rho}({\bf r}) \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle \\ &= \Phi_a({\bf r})\Phi_b({\bf r}) It can be computed with:: rho_ab = detci.ci_core.rho(zero,sing,molist,slice_length=1e4,numproc=4) The integral over :math:`{\bf r}`, which may be evaluated analytically by:: elnum = detci.ci_core.enum(zero,sing,moom) yields the number of electrons for identical states and zero otherwise. .. _`detCI:Electronic Flux Density`: Electronic Flux Density and Its Divergence ========================================== The electronic flux density (or Current Density) is defined as .. math:: j_{ab}({\bf r}) &= \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{j}({\bf r}) \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle \\ &= -\frac{i \hbar}{2m_e} \left(\Phi_a({\bf r})\vec{\nabla}\Phi_b({\bf r})-\Phi_b({\bf r})\vec{\nabla}\Phi_a({\bf r})\right) where :math:`\vec{\nabla}` symbolizes the spatial derviatives with respect to the electronic coordinates. For the real-valued electronic eigenstates this quantity is purely imaginary. Thus, detCI\@ORBKIT exclusively computes the non-vanishing imaginary part of the electronic flux density :math:`\mbox{Im}\left[j_{ab}\right]({\bf r})`:: j_ab = detci.ci_core.jab(zero,sing,molist,molistdrv,slice_length=1e4,numproc=4) Please note that the electronic flux density vanishes for identical states. The divergence of the electronic flux density :math:`\vec{\nabla}\cdot j_{ab}`, which can be computed simply by:: nabla_j_ab = detci.ci_core.jab(zero,sing,molist,molistdrv,slice_length=1e4,numproc=4) is directly related to the time-derivative of the electron density via the electonic continuity equation .. math:: \frac{\partial \rho_{ab}({\bf r})}{\partial t} = - \vec{\nabla} \cdot j_{ab}({\bf r}) This relation may be reformulated into a convergence test: .. math:: - \vec{\nabla} \cdot \mbox{Im}\left[j_{ab}\right]({\bf r}) = -\frac{(E_b-E_a)}{\hbar} \rho_{ab} Please note that the missing cusp relation for Gaussian basis sets leads to a poor convergence around the nuclei, as shown in `arXiv:1701.06885`__. __ .. _`detCI:Electronic Dipole Moment`: Electronic Dipole Moment ======================== The electronic dipole moment can be defined in length gauge .. math:: \left\langle\mu_r\right\rangle_{ab} &= \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{\mu_r}({\bf r}) \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle \\ &= -e\int {\rm d}{\bf r} \left({\bf r}\rho_a({\bf r})\right) and in velocity gauge .. math:: \left\langle\mu_v\right\rangle_{ab} &= \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{\mu_v}({\bf r}) \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle \\ &= -e \int {\rm d}{\bf r}\ j_{ab}({\bf r}) Both quantities can be directly related to each other .. math:: \left\langle(\mu_v)_r\right\rangle_{ab} &= \frac{i\hbar}{(E_b-E_a)} \left\langle \Phi_a \middle| \hat{\mu_v}({\bf r}) \middle| \Phi_b \right\rangle \\ &= -\frac{e\hbar}{(E_b-E_a)} \int {\rm d}{\bf r}\ \mbox{Im}\left[j_{ab}\right]({\bf r}) and may be used as another convergence test to directly evaluate the quality of the electronic flux density. All three quantities can be calculated via:: mu_ab =[a],ci[b],qc,zero,sing,omr,omv) Here, ``mu_ab[0]`` is :math:`\left\langle\mu_r\right\rangle_{ab}`, ``mu_ab[1]`` corresponds to :math:`\left\langle\mu_v\right\rangle_{ab}`, and ``mu_ab[2]`` is :math:`\left\langle(\mu_v)_r\right\rangle_{ab}`. For identical states, the latter is not defined., and besides, the permanent dipole moment of the molecule, i.e., including the nuclear contributions, is computed in that case.