Source code for orbkit.analytical_integrals

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
'''Module performing analytical integrals between atomic and molecular orbitals.

Code for the computation of the overlap between primitive atomic basis functions
adapted from 

  M. Hô, J. M. Hernandez-Perez: "Evaluation of Gaussian Molecular Integrals", DOI:10.3888/tmj.14-3
Gunter Hermann, Vincent Pohl, Lukas Eugen Marsoner Steinkasserer, Axel Schild, and Jean Christophe Tremblay

Institut fuer Chemie und Biochemie, Freie Universitaet Berlin, 14195 Berlin, Germany

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import numpy
from multiprocessing import Pool

from . import cy_overlap
from .tools import *
from .orbitals import AOClass, MOClass

[docs]def get_ao_overlap(coord_a, coord_b, ao_spec, lxlylz_b=None, drv=None): '''Computes the overlap matrix of a basis set, where `Bra` basis set corresponds to the geometry :literal:`coord_a` and `Ket` basis set corresponds to the geometry :literal:`coord_b`. In order to enable the computation of analytical expectation values, the exponents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of the `Ket` basis set can be set manually with :literal:`lxlylz_b`. Please note that for the normalization of the primitive Cartesian Gaussians the exponents from :literal:`ao_spec` are used. **Parameters:** coord_a : geo_spec Specifies the geometry of the `Bra` basis set. See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details. coord_b : geo_spec Specifies the geometry of the `Ket` basis set. See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details. ao_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details. lxlylz_b : numpy.ndarray, dtype=numpy.int64, shape = (NAO,3), optional Contains the expontents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of the `Ket` basis set. **Returns:** ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix. ''' if not isinstance(ao_spec, AOClass): raise TypeError('ao_spec must be an instance of the AOClass') if isinstance(drv, list) or (isinstance(drv, str) and len(drv) > 1): aoom = [] for ii_d in drv: aoom.append(get_ao_overlap(coord_a,coord_b,ao_spec, lxlylz_b=lxlylz_b, drv=ii_d)) return aoom lxlylz_a = ao_spec.get_lxlylz() if lxlylz_b is None: lxlylz_b = numpy.array(lxlylz_a,copy=True) else: try: lxlylz_b = numpy.array(lxlylz_b,dtype=numpy.intc) except ValueError: raise ValueError('The keyword argument `lxlylz` has to be convertable ' + 'into a numpy integer array.') if lxlylz_a.shape != lxlylz_b.shape: raise ValueError('The exponents lxlylz for basis set a and basis set b ' + 'have to have the same shape.') # Derivative Calculation requested? drv = validate_drv(drv) if drv > 3: raise ValueError('Only first derivatives are currently supported for ' + 'analytical integrals.') ao_overlap_matrix = cy_overlap.aooverlap(coord_a, coord_b, lxlylz_a, lxlylz_b, ao_spec.get_nlxlylz_per_cont(), ao_spec.get_prim_coeffs(), ao_spec.get_nprim_per_cont(), ao_spec.get_assign_cont_to_atoms(), drv, ao_spec.get_normalized()) if 'N' in ao_spec[0]: for i in range(len(ao_overlap_matrix)): ao_overlap_matrix[i,:] *= ao_spec[0]['N'][i]*ao_spec[0]['N'][:,0] if ao_spec.spherical: # Convert the overlap matrix to the real-valued spherical harmonic basis. ao_overlap_matrix = cartesian2spherical_aoom(ao_overlap_matrix,ao_spec) return ao_overlap_matrix
[docs]def cartesian2spherical_aoom(ao_overlap_matrix,ao_spec): '''Transforms the atomic orbitals overlap matrix from a Cartesian Gaussian basis set to a (real) pure spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set. Adapted from H.B. Schlegel and M.J. Frisch, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol. 54, 83-87 (1995). **Parameters:** ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix of the Cartesian basis set. ao_spec,ao_spherical : See :ref:`Central Variables` in the manual for details. **Returns:** aoom_sph : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix of the spherical harmonic Gaussian basis set. ..hint: Only supported up to g atomic orbitals and only for contracted atomic orbitals. ''' # Get the exponents of the Cartesian basis functions lxlylz = ao_spec.get_lxlylz() assign = ao_spec.get_assign_lxlylz_to_cont() ao_spherical = ao_spec.get_old_ao_spherical() if ao_overlap_matrix.shape != (len(lxlylz),len(lxlylz)): raise IOError('No contraction is currently not supported for a '+ 'spherical harmonics. Please come back'+ ' manually after calling `contract_ao_overlap_matrix()`.') l = [[] for i in ao_spec] for i,j in enumerate(assign): l[j].append(i) indices = [] c = 0 for i0,(j0,k0) in enumerate(ao_spherical): sph0 = get_cart2sph(*k0) for c0 in range(len(sph0[0])): for i,j in enumerate(l[j0]): if tuple(lxlylz[j]) == sph0[0][c0]: indices.append(i + l[j0][0]) c += 1 if len(indices) == 0: print('Here\n',ao_spec.up2date) exit() c = 0 aoom_sph = numpy.zeros((len(ao_spherical),len(ao_spherical))) for i0,(j0,k0) in enumerate(ao_spherical): sph0 = get_cart2sph(*k0) for c0 in range(len(sph0[0])): d = 0 for i1,(j1,k1) in enumerate(ao_spherical): sph1 = get_cart2sph(*k1) for c1 in range(len(sph1[0])): aoom_sph[i0,i1] += (sph0[1][c0]*sph0[2] * sph1[1][c1]*sph1[2] * ao_overlap_matrix[indices[c],indices[d]]) d += 1 c+=1 return aoom_sph
[docs]def get_mo_overlap(mo_a,mo_b,ao_overlap_matrix): '''Computes the overlap of two molecular orbitals. **Parameters:** mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (,NAO) Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Bra` orbitals. mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (,NAO) Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Ket` orbitals. ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set. **Returns:** mo_overlap : float Contains the overlap of the two input molecular orbitals. ''' shape = numpy.shape(ao_overlap_matrix) if isinstance(mo_a,dict): mo_a = numpy.array(mo_a['coeffs']) if mo_a.ndim != 1 or len(mo_a) != shape[0]: raise ValueError('The coefficients of mo_a have to be a vector of the ' + 'length of the ao_overlap_matrix.') if isinstance(mo_b,dict): mo_b = numpy.array(mo_b['coeffs']) if mo_b.ndim != 1 or len(mo_b) != shape[1]: raise ValueError('The coefficients of mo_b have to be a vector of the ' + 'length of the ao_overlap_matrix.') return cy_overlap.mooverlap(require(mo_a,dtype='f'),require(mo_b,dtype='f'), ao_overlap_matrix)
def initializer(gargs): global global_args global_args = gargs def get_slice(x): return cy_overlap.mooverlapmatrix(global_args['mo_a'],global_args['mo_b'], global_args['ao_overlap_matrix'],x[0],x[1])
[docs]def get_mo_overlap_matrix(mo_a,mo_b,ao_overlap_matrix,numproc=1): '''Computes the overlap of two sets of molecular orbitals. **Parameters:** mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO), dict, or MOClass instance Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Bra` orbitals. mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO), dict, or MOClass instance Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Ket` orbitals. ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set. numproc : int Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. **Returns:** mo_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NMO) Contains the overlap matrix between the two sets of input molecular orbitals. ''' if isinstance(mo_a, MOClass): mo_a = mo_a.get_coeffs() elif isinstance(mo_a,dict): mo_a = numpy.array(mo_a['coeffs']) if isinstance(mo_b, MOClass): mo_b = mo_b.get_coeffs() elif isinstance(mo_b,dict): mo_b = numpy.array(mo_b['coeffs']) global_args = {'mo_a': mo_a, 'mo_b': mo_b, 'ao_overlap_matrix': ao_overlap_matrix} if ((global_args['mo_a'].shape[1] != ao_overlap_matrix.shape[0]) or (global_args['mo_b'].shape[1] != ao_overlap_matrix.shape[1])): raise ValueError('mo_a and mo_b have to correspond to the same basis set, '+ 'i.e., shape_a[1] != shape_b[1]') numproc = min(len(global_args['mo_a']),max(1,numproc)) ij = numpy.array(numpy.linspace(0, len(global_args['mo_a']), num=numproc+1, endpoint=True), dtype=numpy.intc) ij = list(zip(ij[:-1],ij[1:])) # Start the worker processes if numproc > 1: pool = Pool(processes=numproc, initializer=initializer, initargs=(global_args,)) it = pool.imap(get_slice, ij) else: initializer(global_args) mo_overlap_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(mo_a),len(mo_b)),dtype=numpy.float64) #--- Send each task to single processor for l,[m,n] in enumerate(ij): #--- Call function to compute one-electron density mo_overlap_matrix[m:n,:] = if numproc > 1 else get_slice(ij[l]) #--- Close the worker processes if numproc > 1: pool.close() pool.join() #cy_overlap.mooverlapmatrix(moom,mo_a,mo_b,ao_overlap_matrix,0,len(moom)) return mo_overlap_matrix
[docs]def get_moom_atoms(atoms,qc,mo_a,mo_b,ao_overlap_matrix,numproc=1): '''Computes the molecular orbital overlap matrix for selected atoms. **Parameters:** atoms : int or list of int Contains the indices of the selected atoms. mo_a : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO) or mo_spec (cf. :ref:`Central Variables`) Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Bra` orbitals. mo_b : numpy.ndarray with shape = (NMO,NAO) or mo_spec (cf. :ref:`Central Variables`) Contains the molecular orbital coefficients of all `Ket` orbitals. ao_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,NAO) Contains the overlap matrix of the basis set. numproc : int Specifies number of subprocesses for multiprocessing. **Returns:** mo_overlap_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NMO,NMO) Contains the overlap matrix between the two sets of input molecular orbitals. ''' mo_a = mo_a.get_coeffs() mo_b = mo_b.get_coeffs() indices = get_lc(atoms,get_atom2mo(qc),strict=True) ao_overlap_matrix = numpy.ascontiguousarray(ao_overlap_matrix[:,indices]) return get_mo_overlap_matrix(numpy.ascontiguousarray(mo_a), numpy.ascontiguousarray(mo_b[:,indices]), ao_overlap_matrix,numproc=numproc)
[docs]def get_dipole_moment(qc,component=['x','y','z']): '''Computes the dipole moment analytically. **Parameters:** qc : class QCinfo class. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.) component : string or list of strings, {'x','y', or 'z'} Specifies the compontent(s) of the dipole moment which shall be computed. **Returns:** dipole_moment : 1D numpy.array, shape[0]=len(component) Contains the dipole moment. ''' try: component = list(component) except TypeError: component = [component] dipole_moment = numpy.zeros((len(component),)) coeffs = qc.mo_spec.get_coeffs() occ = qc.mo_spec.get_occ() for i_d,c in enumerate(component): ao_dipole_matrix = get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc,component=c) for i_mo in range(len(qc.mo_spec)): dipole_moment[i_d] -= occ[i_mo] * get_mo_overlap(coeffs[i_mo,:], coeffs[i_mo,:], ao_dipole_matrix) # Add the nuclear part dipole_moment[i_d] += get_nuclear_dipole_moment(qc,component=c) return dipole_moment
[docs]def get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc,component='x'): '''Computes the expectation value of the dipole moment operator between all atomic orbitals. **Parameters:** qc : class QCinfo class. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.) component : int or string, {'x','y', 'z'} Specifies the compontent of the dipole moment operator which shall be applied. **Returns:** ao_dipole_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NAO,NAO) Contains the expectation value matrix. ''' if isinstance(component, list): aoom = [] for ii_d in component: aoom.append(get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc,component=ii_d)) return aoom if not isinstance(component, int): component = 'xyz'.find(component) if component == -1: # Was the selection valid? raise ValueError("The selection of the component was not valid!" + " (component = 'x' or 'y' or 'z')") # Get the the exponents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of # the `Ket` basis set, and increase lz by one. lxlylz_b = qc.ao_spec.get_lxlylz() lxlylz_b[:,component] += 1 ao_part_1 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec,qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec, lxlylz_b=lxlylz_b) # Compute the second part of the expectation value: ao_part_2 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec,qc.geo_spec,qc.ao_spec) i = 0 for sel_ao in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): if 'lxlylz' in qc.ao_spec[sel_ao].keys(): l = len(qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['lxlylz']) else: l = l_deg(l=qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['type'].lower(), cartesian_basis=(not qc.ao_spec.spherical)) for ll in range(l): ao_part_2[:,i] *= qc.geo_spec[qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['atom'],component] i += 1 # the atomic orbital overlap matrix return (ao_part_1+ao_part_2)
[docs]def get_nuclear_dipole_moment(qc,component='x'): '''Computes the nuclear part of the dipole moment. **Parameters:** qc : class QCinfo class. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.) component : string, {'x','y', 'z'} Specifies the compontent of the dipole moment operator which shall be applied. **Returns:** nuclear_dipole_moment : float Contains the nuclear dipole moment. ''' if not isinstance(component, int): component = 'xyz'.find(component) if component == -1: # Was the selection valid? raise ValueError("The selection of the component was not valid!" + " (component = 'x' or 'y' or 'z')") nuclear_dipole_moment = 0. for i_nuc in range(len(qc.geo_spec)): nuclear_dipole_moment += float(qc.geo_info[i_nuc,2])*qc.geo_spec[i_nuc,component] return nuclear_dipole_moment
[docs]def get_atom2mo(qc): '''Assigns atom indices to molecular orbital coefficients. **Parameters:** qc.ao_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. **Returns:** atom2mo : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,) Contains indices of atoms assigned to the molecular orbital coefficients. ''' atom2mo = [] a2mo_type = [] b = 0 for sel_ao in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): a = qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['atom'] if 'lxlylz' in qc.ao_spec[sel_ao].keys(): l = len(qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['lxlylz']) else: l = l_deg(l=qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['type'].lower(), cartesian_basis=(not qc.ao_spec.spherical)) for i in range(l): atom2mo.append(a) b += 1 return numpy.array(atom2mo,dtype=int)
[docs]def get_lc(atoms,atom2mo,strict=False): '''Returns indices of molecular orbital coefficients corresponding to the selected atoms. **Parameters:** atoms : int or list of int Contains the indices of the selected atoms. atom2mo : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,) Contains indices of atoms assigned to the molecular orbital coefficients. >> atom2mo = get_atom2mo(qc) **Returns:** lc : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO_atom,) Contains the NAO_atom indices molecular orbital coefficients corresponding to the selected atoms. **Example:** >> atom2mo = get_atom2mo(qc) >> get_lc([0,3],atom2mo) ''' if isinstance(atoms,int): atoms = [atoms] if not strict: lc = numpy.zeros(len(atom2mo),dtype=bool) for i in atoms: lc = numpy.logical_or(atom2mo==i,lc) return numpy.nonzero(lc)[0] else: lc = [] for i in atoms: for k,j in enumerate(atom2mo): if i==j: lc.append(k) return numpy.array(lc,dtype=numpy.intc)