.. _`Central Variables`: Central Variables ================= In ORBKIT, all central variables are extracted from quantum chemistry outputs (cf. :mod:`orbkit.read`) and organized within the class :mod:`orbkit.qcinfo.QCinfo`. The corresponding command reads:: from orbkit import read qc = read.main_read('h2o.md',itype='molden') This class stores all the information required for subsequent computations and is organized as follows: +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Member | Type | Shape/Members | +===================+===================================+===============================================+ | `qc.geo_info`_ | ``numpy.ndarray`` (dtype= ``str``)| (N\ :sub:`atoms`, 3) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `qc.geo_spec`_ | ``numpy.ndarray`` (dtype= ``str``)| (N\ :sub:`atoms`, 3) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `qc.ao_spec`_ | ``list`` of ``dict`` | "pnum", "atom", "type", "coeffs", ("exp_list")| +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `qc.ao_spherical`_| ``list`` of ``tuple`` | (N\ :sub:`spherical AOs`, 2) | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | `qc.mo_spec`_ | ``list`` of ``dict`` | "energy", "occ_num", "sym", "coeffs" | +-------------------+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. _`qc.geo_info`: :qc.geo_info: * Contains information about the atoms and is only required for the creation of the output file. * The three columns correspond to #. Atom symbol #. Atom number (according to the input file) #. Nuclear charge (if present in the input file) .. _`qc.geo_spec`: :qc.geo_spec: * Contains the atom positions in units of Bohr radii. * The three columns correspond to the *x-*, *y-*, and *z-*\ coordinates. .. _`qc.ao_spec`: :qc.ao_spec: * Contains all information about the atomic orbitals * The number of dictionaries corresponds to the number of contracted Gaussians * Members of the dictionaries: * "atom" * Atom number (according to the input file, i.e., starting from 1) (``int``) * "coeffs" * **1st** element exponent and **2nd** element contraction coefficients of the basis functions * ``numpy.ndarray`` (dtype= ``float``) with the shape (N\ :sub:`primitives`, 2) * "pnum" * Number of number of primitives (``int``) * "exp_list" (optional) * Exponents :math:`(l_x,l_y,l_z)` of the basis functions * Only present if the order of the exponents deviate from the standard molden order * ``list`` of ``tuple``, i.e., ``[(l_x1,l_y1,l_z1), (l_x2,l_y2,l_z2), ...]`` .. _`qc.ao_spherical`: :qc.ao_spherical: * Contains the order of the spherical harmonic basis functions within the input file * ``list`` of ``tuple``, i.e., ``[(l_1,m_1), (l_2,m_2), ...]`` with the angular momentum quantum number ``m`` and the magnetic quantum number ``l`` .. _`qc.mo_spec`: :qc.mo_spec: * Contains all information about the molecular orbitals. * The number of dictionaries corresponds to number of molecular orbitals * Members of the dictionaries: * "coeffs" * Molecular orbital coefficients * ``numpy.ndarray`` (dtype= ``float``) with the shape (N\ :sub:`AO`, 1) * "energy" * Energy of molecular orbital (``float``) * "occ_num" * Occupation of molecular orbital (``float``) * "sym" * MOLPRO-like symmetry label of molecular orbital (``str``), e.g., "12.1" or "12.A1" Besides those central variables, the :mod:`orbkit.qcinfo.QCinfo` class possess additional members which are not of importance for the computations done by ORBKIT.